60 Years Later

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Marinette looked over to her husband. Their hands intertwined and warm. He looked down and smiled...it was a smile that made her heart flutter like it had a thousand times before.

He still had his old charm in his eyes. And the feeling she got when he looked into her eyes and placed a kiss on her forehead made her feel young again. 40 years of marriage, and she still felt her feelings for him grow.

Adrien pulled her close and laid her head on his shoulder, humming a catchy tune. She chuckled and snuggled close.

The elderly lovers stared up into the beautiful sunset, letting beautiful memories of their youth and time as superheroes fill their thoughts. Including the last battle between Hawkmoth...and the heart breaking truth they uncovered.

When the light of day died away, (A/N: I made a rhyme XD) the both of them got up from their porch and walked into their lovely little house in the wonderful city of Paris, their fingers still laced together.

* * *

In the morning, when rays of sunlight streamed into the bedroom and danced across the floor, Marinette slowly rised from their comfy, warm bed. She smiled at the thought of a new day.

She turned to look down at a large curled lump under the covers. As she shook him awake, he groaned and shooed her away.

Giggling, she pulled the covers off him and walked down into the kitchen. She took a moment to look around the room. Small plants popped up here and there and frames of family photos with their children hung all around.

She saw a framed article from a newspaper. She walked over to it, and stared longingly at the two figures in the photo. A spotted young girl, and a mischievous looking male, dressed in a black catsuit. Both of them smiling and engaging in a friendly fist bump.

She shooed away distracting thoughts. Although she missed the old days so very much. The feeling of adrenalin rushing through her veins and the wonderful feeling of saving Paris was almost heart wrenching.

And Tikki...oh sweet Tikki. After they had defeated Hawkmoth, both Tikki and Plagg had mysteriously disappeared without a trace. It took them both a while to get over it, but somehow, they had made it.

She shook her head. Even though they weren't young anymore, and they couldn't do as much as they used to, Marinette was happy with the life she was living. And she was proud of the life she had lived.

And she wouldn't have it any other way.

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