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Sweaty and overly excited bodies and personas filled the room, perhaps, building.

Overly obnoxious music blasted somewhere atop all of the guests head. Their figures moving in sync to the beat, if they were sober. Then all of the others, were just a sloppy mess.

A bouncer stood in the back, one for each exit and entrance, being as the club was very popular and renowned.

Looking around, anyone could tell that most of the people that were inside of the facility were quite underaged, and most of them were drinking, which probably made it such the popular place that it was sought as today.

A smile etched onto the young girls face as she reached her hand out to relieve her beloved other of some of the drinks thy he was struggling to cradle in his arms, "It's a good thing that you're not a waiter.." She lightly teased, setting down the glass cups in order of which friend wanted which drink, glancing back to the boy who shot her a distressed look.

"You know, I just try so hard to impress you and make your friends like me.." He quickly retorted, trying to fight the smirk that found it's way onto his face, looking down to the ground to shake off the chuckle that fought for dominance over him.

She hushed him in return, beaming brightly as she snaked her arms around his shoulders and pulled him to her level, being as she was sat on the bar stool. She pulled him closer and closer until their proximity was extreme, giggling softly when she finally decided on letting her lips linger on his as she felt that spark that she had felt since day one.

They had always tried their hardest to make every moment seem like their last, or their first. They felt as if when they were busy trying to worship having one another and keeping each other in one piece would distract them from fighting.

Despite the commotion surrounding the two, they pushed it all away when they were in each other's arms. Each kiss brought her to a different memory that they had shared.

A chaste kiss- when they were in the hallway, back at school, having to go to their separate classes. Although, he usually ended up skipping his own to sneak into hers, resulting in multiple detentions and referrals in his lap that he didn't care much for, he had the tendency to continue on doing so anyway.

A short, but simple kiss- when he had practice, and she sat in the bleachers with her binder set open in her lap, trying to study enough of a subject so that she could help him with it eventually. He tended to act as if he didn't get it, just so she would have to spend more time with him.

The long kiss- it didn't have much feelings attached to it, but it still shook the adolescents up every time. It was placed upon the other every time that they said goodbye, but when they had appeared to be in a bad mood.

And then, theirs and most couples' favorite, the passionate- when they would have their hands roaming, trying to find a position for their tendons to be placed so the sign of affection could deepen, the only part of them still attached together was their lips.

As their relationship had furthered, they had experienced a wide range of different kisses, and the most used ones were the passionate ones.

They had met in high school, when they had career research together during their freshman year. She kept quiet while he constantly showed off, he was the cliché class clown. She wasn't shy nor stupid, but only speaking up when she needed to, speaking her mind every once in a while, which happened to be against him most of the time. He always spoke on instinct, taking the reputation of an annoying and cocky underclassmen.

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