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The girl slowly slipped the black clothed dress over her head before slipping her feet into a pair of boots with a jacket that matched the color of her shoes almost perfectly. As she snuck her hands in between her hair and her neck to pull it from underneath the jacket, it then flew freely down her back before she released a shaky breath that she felt that she was holding for minutes before heading downstairs.

She packed a few small items into a little purse of her own, grabbing a small knitted blanket made by a close relative when she was younger from the closet along with her bag. Going into the kitchen, she grasped the water bottle that sat on the door of the silver fridge quietly, her eye still and composure slightly stiff.

She had only previously realized what she was doing and why she was doing so. and she needed to make it right, Although, going to apologize for her actions would really do nothing as her time ran out, but she needed the closure.

Turning away from the room, she bounded out the front door of her small and quiet household, locking the front door behind her and starting for her car. She sat herself in the car and buckled herself to safety and set her things down on the passenger seat beside her before erupting the engine of her automobile with the twist of a key that sat on a chain with a house key.

Everyone, even everything, had some thing or someone for itself.

The car sputtered out a sigh, a sound that she mimicked almost perfectly. She was tired and the bags under her eyes definitely portrayed so.

She was living her days off of maybe two hours of sleep. It become harder to rest her eyes as time passed, her conscience getting the best of her through the dark and lonely hours, which began to turn into days, weeks, months, and soon- years.

As she sped down the road, she referred to her phone to lead herself to an enclosed park ground, a place she hadn't visited in a few years.

The heel of her boots touched the parking lot gravel, her bag and sheet in hand. As she walked, she took slow breaths, pacing her speed to her breathing since her heartbeat was quickening and was too fast to follow.

Her eyes looked around the almost abandoned park grounds, smiling as she took in the sight of nature. There were small sunflowers here and there, with some dandelions, randomly placed amongst all of the weeds and the ground that was loosing its green color, starting to look more brown.

When she got to a certain point that she deemed far enough, she laid her carry-on down and laid out the multi-fabric blanket onto the grass, mindful of her surroundings.

She flashed a fragile smile as she looked around and noticed what was around her, remembering the endless times that they went on picnics.

She hated going outside as it was hot, to her dismay. But he didn't want to move because she wasn't ready to have to stabilize herself against him, anybody on general.

They would always spend an hour in the kitchen, cutting up fruits and making sandwiches, taking the most of their time to mess around with each but also setting up the food to make it look as cute as possible.

He would convince her to go on picnics with him when it was nicer outside, when it started to get darker so it would be chilly and he could then avoid her whines and complaints. She would only join the male because she liked stargazing with him, being with him was her favorite pastime, vice versa for him and his feelings. towards her.

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