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wooooooooow that story- was hard to write for i am lazy and also a big baby. but i wanted to leave the story seeming professional, but i also wanted to leave some credits and extra things that i wanted you readers to know / see.

• this story does not have any set face-claims but i do use pictures of dylan sprayberry in the aesthetic for every chapter and /kind of/ explain him as the role of the male because that's my bubba. but you can imagine anyone as any of the characters, that is why there is no names, by the way.

aaaand here's a playlist that i created for the sake of the story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUy3Z2K6SJFCRzOoAh0louvIt-fNVqCgX / https://open.spotify.com/user/ugh.aveda/playlist/5TqOZ9se9AJHqlifbjk5It ♡

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