Chapter Eleven - Octavia

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    A few things that I was absolutely certain about Edmund: Firstly, Edmund wanted to be my friend. Secondly, I knew that there wasn't a chance of me ever leaving Edmund, even if I wanted to. And thirdly, despite the demon that raged inside of me that thirsted for his blood, I was completely and unconditionally in love with him.

    I was now searching the hallways of the school trying to find Edmund - it seemed that I couldn't get enough of him nowadays. However, he wasn't anywhere to be seen nor smelled. I listened into other people's conversations to see if his name ever came up - it didn't. I even went to his last class and followed his scent though I lost it as it lead out into the cafeteria and again disappeared.
    Where was he?

    I make my way downstairs, onto the first floor - he wasn't there. I leave the building and start my search outside. I began to feel very uncomfortable.
    I make my way down to the football field. I doubted he would be here seeing as he's not the athletic type, but it was worth the try - he surprises me sometimes.

    I scanned the football field, searching for anything that was a sign that he was here. Suddenly, an easterly breeze blows in my direction, sending a wave of Edmund's scent to crash into me. Usually, I would hold my breath and then ease my way into it. But instead, I gladly welcomed the burn - relieved that I had found him. 
     My eyes scan the bleachers for Edmund, and that's when I see him lying down on one of the seats. His head is propped up on his bag and his earphones are in.


    "Guys, look at this loser." Loyd Jameson, also known as LJ, snickers to his teammates. "Watch this." Loyd takes a few steps back, creating his run up so he could throw the football at Edmund.
    A low growl ripples through my throat as I watch him take his aim. I have to save him, but how? I can't risk them seeing me run like I do. But how else am I supposed to reach him in time? I was torn. I didn't know what to do. "Edmund!" I shouted, trying to gain his attention so he could see the danger and move away himself - but nothing, not even a twitch.
     Loyd threw the football then and without thinking it through, I acted. I ran to where Edmund was lying while the football flew towards him. I caught the ball in my strong hands before it would have hit him square in the
head - damn you quarterback with good aim. I felt the football deflate in my hands immediately.
     I let out a sigh of relief that I had caught the ball before it hit Edmund. I don't know what I would have done to those boys if they had hurt him - I would have crushed their skulls. At the thought a sudden surge of anger ripples through my body and I feel my body begin to tremble. Oh, what I would do to them right now if there weren't any witnesses. . .

    "Octavia?" Edmund asks in concern from beside me now. I look up, surprised that he was standing so close to me - I could feel his inviting heat pulsing towards me. Then, his eyes widen as he looks down at my hands to where I held a very deflated football. I immediately hide the ball behind my back and drop it- a useless action, but what else could I do?
    I give Edmund my best innocent smile. "They should really pump up their footballs. . ." I trail off, trying to cover it up. I mentally crossed my fingers that it was enough.
    Edmund gives me a questionable look, which is then turned into one his cute boyish smiles. Instant relief washes over me.
    "Thanks, by the way. I'm pretty sure that if you hadn't caught that ball, my head would have a massive dent in it by now." He chuckles at the thought and so do I, though mine was humourless.
    "What a shame that would be." I tease, grinning - he was okay.
    Edmund grins back. "Oh, I see how it is."
    I chuckle, enjoying this casual, friendly moment. I look over at the boys, glaring at them. "You should really pay more attention on what's happening around you, Parker." I tell him, turning back around to face him. "Didn't you hear me shout your name?"
    He shakes his head apologetically. "No, sorry. I had my music in and I was studying." He gestures to his stuff laid on the seat behind him.
    "Right." I sigh. I couldn't be angry - no, never angry. I could never be angry at Edmund or annoyed at him when he was just doing the right thing.
     "Hey, Spencer! Can I have my ball back?" Loyd yells to me in irritation because I ruined his fun. I smirked. If only he knew what would have happened to him and his friends if I hadn't of ruined his fun. . .

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