Chapter Twenty Nine - Octavia

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I turn off the car ignition, shoving the keys in my pocket and meet Edmund by the opening of the forest that shows only a snippet of the beauty it holds inside. When I reach him I crouch down a little, looking behind me at Edmund.
"Are you ready?" I asked and he smiled, awkwardly climbing onto my back. I adjust his weight on my back and make sure he is secure before taking off into a run. The moment I sprang into action the trees flew past me in a blur at the speed I was running. Though even though I was running, I could still see everything just as clearly as if I was walking. I could see the patterns engraved in the leaves on the ground, I could see ants crawling their way out of their nests, I could see birds flying high above the trees and small animals wondering about. This was why I loved it so much. That even though I was speeding by time, time never even stopped or slowed. I still saw everything just as they were in that moment. Nothing changed - not even for an immortal.

The warm breeze whipped through my hair and clothes, and fluttered against my skin like butterfly wings. It was such a beautiful day today, sunny and clear skies. Though, of course, it didn't matter much to me as no one would see me today. My meadow is my little secret - unknown to the humans.

Today, the meadow was covered in tiny daises and the green grass swayed softly in the warm breeze. The sun shone down on the meadow, creating a warm and magical feel. And just like I would if I were alone, I walk straight into the sunlight, both loving and missing the warmth it gives. Sometimes I miss how it feels when the sun touches my skin. Especially when it rains for days on end.
I feel Edmund's warmth wrap around me as his arms snake around my waist, pulling me to his chest. I sigh, content, and breath in his sweet scent that used to burn me and the floral scent of the flowers, the bees, and birds - the smell of Summer.
Edmund kisses the hollow of my throat and I shiver, his warmth sending goosebumps to form on my skin that I actually cannot physically produce. Though I know that if I could, I would.
I turn around in his arms and pull us both down to the grass. I was going to sit beside him, though it seemed as though that wasn't enough for him as the next thing I knew Edmund had me nestled to his side. Though, of course, I wasn't complaining. This position was much better.

"You know, as the summer goes on I am actually getting more and more excited about college next year." He pauses, humour in his voice. "I actually never thought I would hear myself say that."
"Say what? That you're excited about school?" I tease.
"No, that I am going to college. I never thought I would say that." He admits and I sigh, knowing how much this meant to him.
"You're mother would be very proud of you, Edmund. Don't forget that." I tell him.
I feel his lips touch my hair. "I know. It's just. . ." He trailed off, though I knew exactly what he was trying to say. He missed his mother so much and though he wishes that she were alive, deep down he knows that if she were he would still be taking care of her and wouldn't be able to go to college. To him, it was a win-lose situation. But a terrible loss it is. . .
A sudden thought comes to mind and I'm glad that it did because I think this will really lift his spirits. "I've got good news." I announce, propping myself up into a seated position. Edmund follows, intrigued.
I smile hugely, excited for his reaction. "I got us an apartment!" I exclaim, clapping my hands together in excitement. Edmund's eyes bulge out of his sockets and he grins from ear to ear.
"Really? When?" He asks, his grin never faulting.
"A while ago. It's near the school - only a five minute drive. Oh, and I also got us our own parking space so we never have to worry about parking." I tell him, feeling quite accomplished with myself.
"Wow. Octavia, I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I had no idea." He struggles for words. "I literally thought I would have to share a dorm with a random guy."
I cringe at the thought. "No, none of that. . . Unless you want to." I quickly suggest, for this is Edmund's experience not mine. I've had my fair share of experiences at college.
"No, no, I am glad I'm not. I want to live with you." He smiles, leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek. The warmth of his lips linger on my cheek.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that." I smile back, looking up at the opening of the trees that show the clear blue sky, breathing in the warmth, absorbing and memorising it, knowing that I could wake up tomorrow and it would be raining for the next two weeks.

Octavia (Completed - 2018 Watty's Longlist)Where stories live. Discover now