7. You are above me.

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You are a heartbreaker,
Athella Halle.

If I was standing on a cliff
looking out over the world,
you would be the one to
push me off the edge
and walk away, laughing
that beautiful laugh of yours.
(That perfectly describes
my love for you, you know -
a cliff,
rocky and treacherous,
and I'm pushed off it daily
by you.)

You are the sky,
a clear, cloudless blue
whose only mar is
its opacity,
which hides all other flaws
from my sight.
I like the view better that way,
even though I never can see
the inevitable thunder clouds
that come to pour rain
down upon me
and blind me with tears.

You are up high,
and I am down below -
waiting, always waiting
for you to reach out a hand
to pull me up beside you.
But that will never happen
because you care for me less
than that fly you squashed
underneath the soles of your
fancy boots.
My existence is
inconsequential to you -
but that's all right.
I'll admire you from afar,
always wondering at your
ephemeral beauty and airy pride,
your weighted countenance and
the unshed tears
that hang from your lashes
like fallen stars.

With love,

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