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Hi there! I decided to post some of my one-shots on here because lord knows it won't do any good for them to sit in my computer documents until the end of time.

Enjoy this somewhat old retelling of their snowboarding adventure, beans ;)


The small puffs of breath on his cheek woke him from his gentle sleep. They were warm and comforting, but foreign, not unlike the blankets he was bundled in and the heat that he was cuddled into. He groaned softly and slowly became aware of his surroundings, eyes not yet open.

His arm was trapped under the warm thing, the other arm wrapped around it. There was a weight on his hip bone, another weight on his chest, and one on his neck. Something tickled his nose, and with one more groan he opened his eyes.

What he saw was perhaps the most astounding view he had seen in his life. Deep brown orbs greeted him lazily, half-lidded. They sparkled in a way with the sunlight streaming in from the window right behind Tom. They pulled him in and he felt drunk staring into the abyss, deep and dark and wonderful.

Jordan smiled as Tom's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he lightly grasped the back of the man's head and pulled it towards him. His lips collided with the younger man's temple with a deep chuckle following suit. Arms wrapping tighter around Tom's abdomen, Jordan sighed in content and buried his nose in the bleached hair.

Tom lay squished with heat surrounding him. It took a few moments to register that Jordan was the entity that held him and had kissed his temple seconds before. Tom let out a squeak as he felt his friend's breath in his hair. It was a strange feeling, but pleasant nonetheless.

"Mm...Jrdannn," Tom slurred, grasping onto his arm weakly. He received a hum in response. " we doin'." One of Jordan's arms pulled Tom closer. The other hand trailed up the small of Tom's back and drew small circles there.

"You fell asleep on me, cutie." The younger gamer grinned unconsciously and murmured, curving into Jordan as the circles grew more concentrated and his friend began to tickle up his back.

"Stawp, ahah, J-ordn..." The older man only smiled and buried his face in Tom's neck. Tom squealed quietly as Jordan's stubble rubbed against his skin.

Tom tugged the covers up and gently pushed Jordan away, much to his friend's dislike. Jordan whined and reached out to grab Tom's waist, but he retreated when Tom sat up. Jordan simply gathered the remaining covers and cocooned himself, poking his head out to study his friend.

Tom pushed the covers down to his waist and looked around. It was a very small room they were in, with only one table off to his right with a water bottle and a piece of paper that he presumed was a 'Welcome to this really tiny, unheated bedroom in the middle of a ski resort, enjoy your stay' type of thing. The covers were thick and fluffy, and he found himself rubbing one sheet between his thumb and forefinger. A window with a thin shade let the morning light stream through, along with a cold draft. Finally, his gaze came to rest upon the man wrapped tightly in the blankets next to him. Tom noted Jordan's adorable messy hair and rumpled clothes, as well as his own.

Jordan blinked up at Tom and opened up the cocoon, asking silently for Tom to come join him once more.

Tom was speechless. These types of nights were mere fantasies of his. Jordan must have seen his astonishment, for he smiled and tugged lightly on his friend's leg as to pull him back to the warmth.

"I'm cold," Jordan stated blatantly. "M' sure you are, too. This cabin doesn't have any heating, and it's currently..." He stared out the window at the snow that fell gently outside and gathered on the windowsill. "Well, it's cold enough to snow, so less than 32°." A playful frown spread across his features.

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