the staff

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Armens pov
My blue eyes opened to what looked like a path way of floating islands leading to the sky as the water bend and twisted un normal ways "were am I" I looked betide me to see a chest with my name on it "what in the world" I asked my self kneeling next to the chest.
My hands trembled as I slowly opened the chest, in side was a staff with a moon and feather and a blue small diamond "is this mine?" my mined was racing with thoughts of why this chest was mine. I looked back in the chest seeing a dagger with a note on it.

"My dear little brother I now this doesn't make senses right now but trust me it will soon, armens the path is a test among your straights your fear and your weakness, the staff is yours uses it wisely yours truly Collins brine.

I put the note in my pocket and spreader my wings "there broken now, well I can still fly for a short time" I held the staff in my hands as my dagger on my belt "lets do this!" I said running on the first island then jumped the next "this is like parkour !" I ran some more as I came to a dessert wall I used my broken wings to get over I ran some more as I leaped to try and get to the other island and i was able to grab onto the vine that was on the eage of the island "erggg" I said as I lifted my self onto the island and ran some more, then I looked foreword seeing drake on the eage of the island then he fell over into the water "nooooo drake wait Collins said it was a test that means it was not real" I said as I got of the ground standing proudly "time form my weakness! " I ran foreword as my eyes glowed with a blue hew "im coming drake im going to make it out of this place to see another day infront of me" I said "your not going any ware armen!" I looked at what was blocking the way out "grayson?" he pulled his sword out as I pulled my dagger "your weak armen your nothing but wasted flesh!" his words echoed in my mined braking my heart "don't give up brother don't let your weakness consume you let your self grow stronger in your weakness" someone whispered in my ear "I..I will secede ill show you Collins and drake ill show you that im strong but I will show you I can break they chains of lies ill show youuuu" I screamed as I cut grayson head "I..I did it I DID IT" I said placing my gloved hand on the liquid wall in the portal then I felt something place its hand on mine "see you on the other side armen!" I looked next to me, Collins was nested to me smiling as he lifted my hand higher in the white and purple water.
I could feel my wings start to heal as they lifted lifting me in the air, soon a diamond popped out of me my hand having a diamond mark on it "the sacred diamond!" I said as a small chunk of it flew over to my chest making a lightblue cape appear on my shoulders and it fall about my waist then a blinding light filled my vision "I love you little brother meet you on the other side Collins luaphed then everything faded to white.

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