Chapter 17

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*3 months later*

Alex POV

It's the day I've been putting off for months, the day the person I love will no longer want to love me. I have to tell Johnson that I am going to Oklahoma for college, every time he asked if I knew I told him I didn't because I know if I did he would drop everything and try to be with me. I've talked to my brother multiple times about this and all he says is you better hurry up and tell him, he's worried you will wait to long and everything will be filled up. I mean yes I would love to go to college with him but he got into a really good school in New York that only let's so many people in. He can focus on his music,and who even knows that in 1 year we would still be together. He has his chance and he needs to take it.

~later that day~

Alex POV

I am shaking. My legs,arms, everything as I answer the door. Johnson pulls me into a hug and kisses me. He breaks the kiss and knows something is wrong. "Babe, what's wrong? Why are you shaking?" He asks. I stand there and wait for the words to fall out of my mouth but they won't, I froze. He hugs me one more time and I unfreeze as we are still hugging I manage to say " I am going to Oklahoma, I got in to my dream school" He unwraps his hands that were around me and laughs until he realizes I wasn't joking. In that moment I saw a whole new side of him. He walks over to the wall and punches it then he paces back and fourth running his fingers through his blonde hair. "God Damn it Alex! Why would you pick a school so far away? What are we going to do?" I look at him stunned and try not to get mad, I hold myself together and say " Johnson, OSU is my dream school I didn't freak out when you picked a school in New York. I never thought I could get in but I did and I am going and for us.." I stop and bite my lip, trying to stop the tears from falling " for us its the end. I can't do long distance and I can't try. Maybe one day if we are right for each other we will get back together but for right now I need to focus on my future and you need to focus on yours." I try to give him a hug but he runs out the door. He's going to be worse when he finds out I leave in 3 days.

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