Zayn Malik one shots

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  • Dedicated to Ammaarah Ravat

You lay in bed alone, trying to sleep but you knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Not without Zayn there.

Your mind kept flickering back to earlier events where you both got so mad you said he had to sleep on the couch and you had refused to talk to him no matter how much he tried to get you to break and talk you just refused and left to go to your shared room.

As you were reminiscing of the earlier events, the bedroom door opened and you quickly pretended to be asleep as Zayn tiptoed to the bed and got in next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear

“I’m sorry. I hate fighting with you, I hate the fact that you refuse to talk to me no matter the amount of puppy dog faces or the amount of questions I tried to get you to answer, and you didn’t talk. You didn’t break once. I miss you. You know I wasn’t even on the couch, no, I was sitting outside waiting because I know you have trouble sleeping alone. So I know right now that you aren’t sleeping and that you’re just pretending to sleeping because you are being your usual but adorable self” he pauses laughing quietly. “So please, love, turn around and look at me and talk to me. I miss you. Please.” He pleaded

You couldn’t resist anymore, you turned in his arms, looking at him. “I missed you too.” You say “I love you.” You finish.

He presses a chaste kiss on your lips and whispers an “I love you too.”

And then you finally fall asleep.

hiiii awkward mel again...

this again is dedicated to Ammaarah because she is a huge Zayn girl and she wanted something cute so I thought of this if you count this as cute.

but yeah ENJOY! :D

Zayn Malik One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now