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Right not even i know what this is. I wrote it instead of revising for my 2 hour history exam which is tomorrow so i hope this is good.


You walk into the grand hall, hardly recognisable, your dark blue dress flows out behind you as if it was a trail of water, the diamond on your necklace swinging side to side as you walk, the silver gems on your mask casting off light as you walk past the guests. As you walk you look around the hall, taking in the ornate decorations, the gold canopies hanging from the ceiling, the white lights hung around the walls and paintings. You continue to walk further into the crowd of masked people until you make it to the edge of the crowd and you are looking onto the mass of couples dancing. Flashes of blue, red and green pass as the women are spun elegantly by the lead men.

Watching the dancers go through the steps of the foxtrot you become transfixed on seeing how they move, how they bend and move their bodies to the rhythm of the classical music that was just a bit too old for your taste. The dancers carry on, losing themselves in the music. The women letting the men guide them blind around the floor.

You became so transfixed you didn’t notice that the music and the dancers had stopped and everyone had begun applauding, joining in last minute you look up from the dance floor and you begin to walk around again, weaving in and out the masses of people, trying to look like you belong when in actual fact you don’t. You don’t even socialise with these types of people. You had got this invitation of a high class friend who had fallen ill last minute and she had begged you to go in her place.

Walking towards the bar, you bumped into someone, looking up to be able to apologise you get caught off guard by his eyes. A brown that wouldn’t be described as chocolate or mocha, it would be described as more of a soft golden brown that stood out among his plain black mask. Before you could apologise though the man with captivating eyes had walked off to join some others in masks a suits. Turning your back from the man in the mask you walk to the bar and order a coke, staying sober tonight as you promised your friend. You sipped slowly at the drink trying to forget those eyes but you had a feeling that the image would be burned into your mind forever.

Someone joins you at the bar ordering a beer, you turn to the right to get a look at the man next to you. He’s dressed in a plain black suit with a black shirt underneath, trailing your eyes up his body up to his mask covered face, a plain black mask, just like the man with the light brown eyes. Looking behind to where you saw the man last, you see that he is no longer with his group. You turn back to the man beside you with a flicker of hope in your chest; you hope that this is the man with the amazing eyes but when you look up to maybe get a chance to see the man’s eyes, you see that he isn’t looking at you, he’s looking straight ahead but you can see by the way that his cheek is slightly raised that the man is smirking. This makes you frown and turn forward to stare straight ahead at the collections of wine, spirits and whiskeys they have behind the bar. That’s when you feel a pair of eyes on you; goose bumps begin to rise on your arms as you feel the man’s eyes trail over as if he was a jeweller appraising a diamond. This didn’t make you feel entirely comfortable.

A few minutes of feeling awkward and uncomfortable by the man’s watch you turn to him and raise your eyebrow in a silent question of ‘how may I help you?’

The man finally opens his mouth after a few minutes and says “Zayn Malik and you are?”  


The man – Zayn – takes your hand and brings it to his mouth placing a kiss on the top before uttering “Beautiful name, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to dance with me”

“Of course” you confirm.

Zayn grabs your hand and pulls you to the dance floor where many couples are dancing close together with barely any space between them. Zayn pulls you to the centre of the floor and places his hand on the small of your back while your free hand is placed on his shoulder. You begin to move in a slow circle, not really paying attention to the music but paying more attention to the person you’re dancing with.

You become immersed in each other; the music that was once loud is now a distant hum in the background and very couple you saw was now blurred. You could only see him and you treasured this moment because you knew that once this song was over you would both go your separate ways and you probably wouldn’t run into each other again and if you did you wouldn’t know.

And alas all good things come to an end, the song finishes and you pull away from each other and Zayn bows and kisses your hand before you turn to walk away into the crowd and go home to cry into a pillow about this perfect moment. But before you can turn away from him, he pulls you back and kisses you quick on the mouth and whispers

“I hope we see each other again soon” Zayn the turns and walks into the crowd, and after a while you manage to regain full control of your body, you also walk away. You walk to the taxi that was waiting for you outside and you go home. You go home and you everything is a daze, you wake the next day thinking it was all a dream until you see the dress on the floor and you realize that it wasn’t a dream and it did happen.

Please could you maybe vote/comment?

Mel xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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