Chapter Two:

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My crescent moon amulet grew hot as I waited and waited and waited. Leather pants might not be the most comfortable thing in the world to wait in, but when you were in battle, they sure as hell move when you need them too. Despite the fact that I was hunting on Earth, I still wore the jacket created for me by my people. On the outside, it was a black leather, but inside, it was made out of white wolf fur. These animals were the most highly regarded on Spyro. Although it didn't appear like it, a special type of magic ran through their veins; they were able to move faster, camouflage with their surroundings, and had instincts that helped predict their opponent's next move. This was just one of the many reasons we had them lead our armies. My favorite part of my outfit had to be my black combats. Not because they were necessary, but more along the line that they were pretty bad ass. I could feel my black mask decorated with intricate crescent moon and star designs press against my face. This outfit, along with my night owl habits, and symbol earned me the nickname The Night Huntress among the Realms. I touched the bow on my back, bringing the memory of my first shot back to my head.

"Aegeus, why do I need to learn how to use a weapon? None of the other princesses in the realms have to do this. All we need to do is cast some spells or use our primary powers to kill demons. It's so easy and takes less time than this," fifteen year old me complained to my guard. Aegeus had pretty much raised me when it came to combat and protection.

He smiled at me in that typical father way. "Maidence, dear child, you need to understand that sometimes people do not play fair. There are potions and spells that warlocks can cast or special tricks demons do where your powers don't work. The only way you will be able to defend yourself is the old-fashioned way. I know how you like to show people up. Take this bow and let's see what you can do." He handed my a silver bow decorated with crescent moons. Little did I know he had travelled all of the Realms in search of a weapon that would be fitting for me. "I have a few missions I need to check on. Why don't you practice and I'll come back and see your progress?"

I fired arrow after arrow for what seemed like hours. Never once did I hit that target. "Damn it. I am never going to be able to do this." I heard a chuckle from behind. Thinking it was Aegeus, I put my hand on my hip and turned around with my best scowl on my face. Instead, I found a very tall, handsome boy with brilliant blue eyes. "Who do you think you are? You can't laugh at me. I'll have you removed from my palace."

The boy bowed, took my hand, and kissed the back of it. "I know you would, Princess. Everyone in the Realms always talks about how stubborn you are and also how you don't tolerate nonsense from anyone. I guess that's why they believe you are the most fit to be Queen in many generations. I am Prince Luca Williams of Bellatorum."

"I thought I had seen you around before. Your realm is the closest ally to my people. Your father is always using part of our army for missions. He believes our strategies can confuse evil very well because it is always changing," I told him.

Luca smiled at me. "I see the princess of that great army has not yet achieved the level of superiority of the warriors in her army when it comes to weapons at least."

I scoffed. "It is not necessary that I learn how to use this weapon. If you have ever seen me use my magic, you would know that I can vanquish any demon with just the wave of a hand. When me and my three sisters are together, there is not an obstacle in the world that stands in our way. The four of us complete each other. That's why we would never last a day with even one of us missing."

"You see, Maidence, there will come a day when you will not be able to rely on your magic and your sisters. Then, this bow will come in handy. Let me show you how to do it properly." He stood behind me and help me draw the arrow back. "Now, follow it all the way down from the tip of the arrows. Breathe in and release." I let go, hitting the target right in the middle. "You see there. I am a pretty good teacher."

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