Chapter 31 - "The Laundry Room..."

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Chapter 31 - "The Laundry Room..."

Clara's PoV

I grabbed all my bags of laundry and headed down to the Laundry room, seeing Matt trying to navigate the machine just inside the door.

It was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen.

'You look like a dog lost in headlights in here. Have you seriously never done your own washing before?'

'Loads of times actually' he mumbled, throwing everything in the machine.

'Oh good god no. Are you insane? You can't put red and purple pants in the machine with white tops unless you want pink and purple t shirts' I scoffed, instructing him to pull them out.

'Why not?'

'Do you want pink whites?'


'Then separate your whites from everything else and just do two loads' I mumbled.

'Yes boss'

'Separate your pants. My tongue might have been in your mouth but I am not touching your scuzzy pants'

'How disgusting do you think I am?'

'Your a guy. I don't need to imagine'

'I'm insulted'

'Don't be' I grinned, tapping his cheeks and then turning around to the machine.

I threw his two loads in and put the powder in the machines, setting the dial so that they were right and jumped on top of an empty machine to wait, after doing my own as well.

'What do you do now?'

'Umm. I have a pack of cards in my bag. Wanna play snap?' I suggested.

'Snap? We're not 7'

'No. We're 15. It's fun' I grinned, shuffling the pack of cards, as he sat down reluctantly giving in anyway. 'And anyway... I won last time we played so it's you turn to win' I smirked.

- - -

'Hah. Snap. Again. Coffees are on you' I said excitedly jumping off the machine.

'Oh really? You think it's that simple do you?' He scoffed, running up behind me and lifting me from the ground to throw me in one of the laundry baskets.

Thankfully seeing as it was half term - there were hardly any kids around. Especially the little ones. Most people had gone home. Hardly anyone stays on campus over the Holiday.

'Hey. Let me out' I play screamed knowing the washing would be done soon.

'Nope. This is punishment for cheating'

'Hey. I don't cheat at anything' I scoffed, sadly. 'How could you even cheat at snap? You saw my hands the entire time'

'Really? Then why were you so good at the game?' He asked with a raised eyebrow and coming a lot closer to me.

I didn't realise until that second just how close he was. He went into kiss me as I moved my head making him collide with the wall.

It was the most hilarious thing I had seen in a while - except him navigating the washing machines.

'Coffee. Go get. 5 minutes ' I grinned, watching him shake his head in embarrassment but stalked out of the laundry room anyway.

- - -

'Medium latte as requested' he smirked as I looked up from my phone and the machine beeped. 'Good timing as well huh?'

'Yep. Do you know how to tumble dry? Or is that way above your level?'

'Oh. Way above my level I guess' he pouted.

'Pass me the coffee chin boy'

'Nope' he smirked placing it on the top of the machine. 'I got the coffee. You can get the cup' he chuckled sitting on the top of the machine.

I stood up with a frown, and placed my hands on my hips with a huff. 'Fine. But you tumble dry your own bloody pants' I scoffed back at him, stepping on the side of the basket.

'Clara no. That's unstable' Matt yelled jumping from the top of the machine, about three seconds too late as my face collided with the machine, knocking me out cold.

- - -

'Stop fussing. Please' I begged, sitting against the machine as my eyes watered.

'Hold your head back Clara - I really would advise seeking the nurse. What if it's broken?'

'It really hurts' I mumbled.

'The nurse it is then. Come on' Matt said helping me up.

I went a little light headed as I stood up, but managed to gain my balance for a second.

It was one of those injuries where you don't feel the force of the impact until a few minutes after the impact.

'It's not bleeding so I highly doubt it's broken'

'Still need to be safe. I shouldn't have left you in that bloody basket'

'It's not your fault Matt. Don't be silly. It was an accident. I should have been paying more attention to where I was putting my feet'

'How can I help?' A woman who had to be in her mid sixties asked, as I tumbled through the door.

'Clara fell, and smacked her nose on the side of the washing machine. We don't think it's broken but we wanted to make sure' Matt said.

'Come and take a seat on the bed dear. Let's have a look at that nose' she smiled.

I felt her prod and poke at my nose which felt pretty bruised and actually hurt on impact. 'Just looks like extensive bruising. My advice is ice packs for 10- 15 minute intervals and an early night. Take some paracetamol if it hurts'

'Thanks' I mumbled, as she handed me the ice pack and I went to put Matt out of his misery.

'Where are you going?'

'To get my washing'

'Don't be silly. Your nose is all purple and doing that throbbing thing. Go back to your room and sleep and I'll go and get the washing'

'Your joking right? Let you loose with the tumble drying? I'll have bras that look they could fit my big toe'

'Go back to your room. I'll be back with the washing that doesn't look shrunk'

'I'm a stubborn person Matt. That is never going to happen' I scoffed pushing past him and going towards the laundry room with a sighing Matt hot on my tail.

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