Chapter 22 - "Sinking Popularity..."

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Chapter 22 - "Sinking Popularity..."

Clara's PoV

'Morning' I smiled, sitting down at the canteen with my bowl of cereal and mouldy milk.

I could feel and cut the tension with a knife right now at this table as it was the first day since her suspension that Lilly had been back.

The last few days had been much the same, and went in an endless circle while Lilly wasn't here.

I had breakfast with the guys and Amy, then went to lessons, then met Matt for dinner and went back to my room.

That was it.

But this morning there was something different in the air and something far more tense.

I didn't look at Lilly but I could feel her eyes on me for a moment, before she looked back down at her bowl and everyone else began to mutter amongst themselves.

Mostly just Richard and Matt while I stayed silent.

'Hey. Have you signed up for the cabin trip in January?' Richard asked suddenly out of the blue to me.

'Oh, well I wasn't sure if that was like a thing? You know if everyone was going?' I mumbled.

'A thing? It's the biggest year 11 tradition at this school. It's the best trip with parties and activities and late nights. Plus the tradition is to see how much alcohol can be smuggled into the site. Last year they managed hardly any' Matt smirked.

'Given recent events I have a feeling security will be a little stronger this year' I said, as I stared down at the permission slip that Richard handed me.

'It would be crap if you couldn't come'

I realised that I would need to get my Mum to sign it as soon as I get home for half term because it was highly unlikely that my Dad would sign it for me.

'Yeah, I'll get my Mum to sign it' I smiled, picking up my bag on the bell.

'Wait Clara. I'll walk you to English' Matt said grabbing my wrist and stopping me for a brief second as he dumped our bowls and we headed out of the canteen.

'Are you not going to wait for Lilly?'

'Oh yeah, your in the same class for English aren't you? How's that going to work?' He mumbled.

'I've no idea. Are you going on the cabin trip?'

'Of course. I even managed to get my Mum to sign it during my suspension so I'm good to go'

'At least your Mum signed it. There's no way my Dad will sign it, after last week. I just hope that Mum will because I don't want to miss out if its going to be a great trip'

'Oh it's always a great trip. I've spoken to a couple of sixth formers and they agree that it's a great time' Matt laughed, as he dropped me at my English class.

I wandered in as I normally would and at at my usual table, but wondered if Lilly would sit next to me.

I wasn't however at all surprised when Lilly was about to sit down, but Moss Silver swapped her and Douglas' seats, thus I spent the English lesson sitting next to Doug, who I had to admit was pretty thick.

It made me wonder how on earth he had gotten into a top set English class, but I just ignored the terrible spelling and extremely slow writing up until the bell went.

The lessons that followed for that day were pretty depressing, but hank fully o had a double free after lunch which meant that I could head back to my room, and chill there for the afternoon.

- - -

'Where's Lilly?' Matt asked at lunchtime in the canteen as he handed me the end of his milkshake that he didn't want.

'She went back to her room I think. She didn't want to come here for lunch and we all know why' Richard said with a raised eyebrow.

'Dude shut up'

'He is right though Matt. It is my fault. If I hadn't of started here then it wouldn't have happened. If I hadn't have got involved with you guys then I would have just been the unpopular person that I should be' I huffed.

'No way. You've been here almost two months. You've earned your place at the popular table' he scoffed.

'I don't want to sit at the popular table' I said turning away from Matt and Richard as they headed that way. I'll see you later' I smiled at them as I took my sandwich and headed back to my own room to finish my portrait of Matt.

His birthday was next week and I really wanted to have it wrapped but I wasn't sure that was going to happen.

I didn't want to leave it here in case he went snooping around my room for it while I was away. It was highly unlikely but I didn't want to put it past him.

'Crap' I mumbled rummaging through my draw, searching for my chalks.

I realised I had left them in Lilly's room. I was in such a rush to move my stuff out I left my chalks behind. It wouldn't have bothered me but they were really expensive chalks and I didn't want to have to buy any knew ones yet.

I only use my expensive ones when I'm doing something or drawing something special so Matt should feel lucky.

I took the stroll up the corridor and knocked on the bedroom door of Lilly's room where it was answered by Richard.

'Richard? What are you doing here? Didn't expect to see you' I grinned.

'I was thinking much the same thing. You don't live here anymore right? And Lilly's asleep so I don't think she's going to want too talk right now' he mumbled, as Lilly say up on her bed and banged her head on the bottom of the top bunk.

'Fuck. What's going on?' She said making eye contact with me.

'I left my good chalk here and didn't want to loose them. So I thought I'd come back and get them while your in lesson - which your not'

'We have the same timetable Clara remember. We both have a double free' she said hopefully, as I climbed the ladder and grabbed the chalk box.

I then jumped down from the top and landed on the carpet, just about keeping my balance.

'Well. I'll umm -- I'll see you around' I muttered living the room, very awkwardly.

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