Chapter 5

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Bradley James as Erik Blackwood

Cold rain met hot, sweaty skin. The scorching sun was now hidden behind huge gray clouds. Sounds of thunder could be heard, followed closely by the flashing white lightning.  Anastasia's soaked hair clung to her face; her clothes soon imitating it as they stuck to her body.

"Where are we going?" the sleepless nights were slowly catching up the small woman, you could hear it in her hoarse voice. Black circles outlined her eyes.

"We are going to buy you some clothes and shoes. Don't want you to get sick. I've been meaning to ask... what inspired you to go out barefoot on the day you were marked with?" Anastasia glanced down at her dirty, bare feet.

Small giggles left her, "I never felt comfortable wearing shoes while watching the night sky. I figured I'd keep my tradition going for when I died. I guess you can say I wanted to die comfortable."

Erik pulled the hoodie of his shirt over his wet hair, hiding his identity behind its shadow. He opened the door to the brand store letting Anastasia step in.

Anastasia was amazed. She had never been in a store like this one, her whole life she had bought her clothes at a local thrift store or stolen it. 

"What size clothes are you, love?"

"I'm a size small for shirts and dresses, 5 or medium for pants and skirts."

With wide eyes, Anastasia watched as Erik piled a mountain of girl clothes before grabbing a pair of clothes for himself. A blush formed on her face as she watched him add under garments to the pile. How he knew her size, she did not know.

"My cousin taught me a thing or two about girl fashion. She also told me how to identify undergarment sizes through clothes size and well looks. 34C, am I right? "The question was answered with a shy nod. "Here go change into this, I'll keep the tags so I can pay for it."

Anastasia wanted to stop him, tell him that it was too much money being wasted on someone that could die any day; but she knew she needed the clothes and she didn't have the money for it. She stepped into one of the fancy fitting rooms and slowly changed out of her dirty dress and into the clothes that Erik had picked; a red pantie and bra lace set, a black loose tank top, ripped denim skinny jeans, and a brown leather jacket with a gray hoodie attached to it. Anastasia smiled at her reflection before frowning down at her dirty feet. At least the shower she had taken before getting attacked at the motel came in handy. Her upper body still smelled like vanilla scented soap. She ran her fingers through her hair using them as a comb before tying her hair up into a messy bun.


Erik stood outside the small store, his phone pressed to his ear.  "Listen L, I found someone we could use for our next strike against the Society."

The person on the other line cheered softly, "who is it?"

"Her name is Anastasia, she's expired. I want no harm being put upon her, the girl is innocent."

Erik could hear L holding in her breath for a few seconds, "Anastasia what?"

Erik didn't know why the girl wanted to know but he answered anyways, "Anastasia De Angeles."

A gasp was heard, "Erik she's exactly what we need to take down the society and those living under them! Do you not know who she is?"

Erik frowned, "no but I'm guessing you do."

A squeal was heard, "Anastasia De Angeles is the daughter of-"

Erik quickly shut the phone as he heard Anastasia's sweet voice behind him.


Anastasia stood in the fitting room admiring her new outfit when she suddenly heard the voices of two young girls from the stall beside her.

"I can't believe that the Tresais turned against his own family. I wonder if what he said is true... could it be that aliens live under the Society?" Shivers ran down Anastasia's spine at the mention of aliens.

"Surely not, The Society did say it was a lie." The response came from a snobby voice.

"Oh come on Rachel, since when do you believe everything they say? Even the Tresais turned against them and joined the rebels. Something weird is going on there!"

Anastasia shook her head before making her way out of the fitting room and towards the cashier, her dirty, wet clothes held far from her body.

"Excuse me; have you seen the man that came in with me?" The cashier turned to face Anastasia, her judging eyes zooming in of Anastasia's feet.

"Yes he paid the stuff and went outside." With a roll of her eyes the cashier turned back to her phone.

Anastasia whispered a small thank you before rushing outside. There Erik stood, his phone pressed against his ear. "For a second there I thought you had left me." She watched as he shut the phone before turning to face her. His blue eyes slowly ran over her frame.

"I'll take those," Erik mumbled while taking the clothes from her hands.  He turned around and shoved them into the trash can behind him before turning back to her. "You look good. I bought you a few pairs of shoes and socks, plus some make up. I figured I'd give it to you in the car." He opened one of the bags in his hand and pulled an umbrella out both slowly walked towards the car under the open umbrella.


Anastasia now sat in the car once again. Her small feet were now clean and stuffed into a pair of brown combat boots similar to Erik's.  Bags full of clothes sat between her legs. The conversation she had heard from the fitting room beside her was stuck on replay in her brain.

...Tresais turned against his own family...

...aliens live under the Society...

The Society did say it was a lie...

...the Tresais turned against them and joined the rebels...

Anastasia wondered who the Tresais was. From what she had heard, the young adult knew that she had to move her plan for revenge forward now that everyone knew that her mother and all other Amoris were aliens.

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