Chapter 8

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Adelaide Kane as Raven Evergreen

Day 2

Raven Evergreen sat in a small cafe slowly sipping from her hot cocoa. At her side sat a young couple. In front of them was a table with a prepaid phone laying on it. The sound of moving pans and chatter masked the word being spoken among the trio. Tapping could be heard as the brunnette tapped the heel of her shoes against the ground.

"Could something have gone wrong? A's never late to anything."

Piercing,  crystal blue eyes met hers. "OH for the sake of God Annabella, stop worrying! You'd think that by now you would remember how strong A is. Its you that you need to worry about. we said wait until We give you the signal to make the broadcast, and instead of listening you go and make the broadcast five minutes after!" Anger was evident in the short blondes voice. 

"It's Raven not Annabella, and stop lecturing me like Im five! How was I suppose to know what the signal was if you never told me it?" Eyebrows furrowed together, frustration making itself evident through the girl's facial expression.

"She's right Nic, you never did tell her the signal," A deep voice interrupted the soon to be cat fight. "And Raven, dont forget that Annabella IS your real name." The tall man leaned back sipping from his caramel latte, violet eyes staring out the window behind Raven's head.

"You. You can tell what's happening right now, where is A?" Raven was worried about A. The bond that the four had built was strong, stronger than anything around them. Even the Society.

"A has a blockade up. I know nothing."

A sigh was heard as Raven leaned back in her seat.

Would A get caught because of Raven's stupid mistake?

All three young adults sat in silence. Fear for their friend strong in the air. Suddenly, the soznd of a phone ringing caught their attentions. Raven threw herself forward, immediately grasping the ringing phone in her hand.

"Hello, A?"

"Listen Raven, tell Nic and Vic to get out of there now! I'm on my way there to get you." Anger and fear could be noted in A's voice.
Raven placed her chocolate on the table, using the hand as a comb through her hair. "What's going on?"

"The Society is on to you Raven. Nic and Vic need to get to headquarters without being noticed.  I cant have the Society intervening with our next plan." With a small wave of her hand, Raven dismissed both of her friends mouthing the letters HQ to them. "Ill protect you Raven, even if its the last thing I do." Three beeps were heard, followed by silence.

Nic and Vic grabbed their coffees and walked out of the small cafe, leaving their friend behind. They knew what was happening.  The Society was after the 19 year old brunnette. as they walked out the door, they noticed a caped figure walk in. Violet met violet as Vic met the person's eyes. With a small nod, he grabbed Nic's hand and both disappeared behind purple mist.

A stepped into the coffee shop, eyes immediately landing on a worried Raven. Screams of fear filled the air at the sight of the caped figure soon followed by a gunshot and breaking glass. The bullet flew past A's head, meeting the wall ahead. Everyone threw themselves on the ground, arms protecting their heads as more gunshots resonated.

Devine Goddesses above, protect thee from all harm coming thy way.

The small spell was one that A had learned to master over the years. An almost clear mist filled the air, the bullets now bouncing off the invisible barrier around the shop.  With small, nonchalant footsteps, A made her way to Raven's side.

"Come on, the spell wont last forever!"

Both ran out of the cafe, their hands entangled at their side. Raven felt the protection barrier rap around herself and A. She knew spells drained large amounts of energy from her friend, it was something that the murderer could not control.

After zooming a few blocks away, A's body caved. With buckled knees, the small person fell to the ground. Raven fell alongside the young murderer in panic.

"A, baby, you have to get up. I know you feel weak, but we have to keep moving. They'll catch us A, they'll kill us!" Her small hand shook her fallen comrade's shoulders. "Please A, get up..."

Running footsteps could be heard approaching, a sound that caused tears to run down Raven's face.

Could this be it? Will A be killed because of Raven's stupid mistake?

Small groans left A. Without a second thought, Raven lifted her friend and continued running. One of A's arm was loosely thrown around Raven's shoulder.

"STOP! Stop right there!" Raven flinched as a bullet pierced the pipe beside her.

Damn alleys and their tightness.

Another gunshot was heard followed by a groan. A had been shot.

"Oh no, Oh no," Raven dragged the small body, she could see a small trail of blood hitting the ground below them before sizzling and diminishing.  The bullet would be lodged behind healed skin if they didn't take it out before A's powers cured it.

Raven turned the corner just to bum into a strong body. Jonas, the preminence stood before her, his brother Colton and cousin Zeke at his side. Her eyes widened.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Raven Evergreen." Jonas' taunting voice caused shivers down her spine. "And who do we have here?" Cold hands pulled A away from Raven. Groans could be heard as the murderer was forced to put pressure on her wounded leg. Not even the Goddesses could help them at this point.

"Please... don't hurt her..." Raven's words quivered as tears fell from her eyes.

"AH, so A is a girl? isn't that just great." Snickers were heard as the three man laughed.

A's head fell forward landing on Colton's shoulder. For the first time in years, Colton felt intrigued by a female. The last time he had, it had been towards Vienna... but this time it was different. He felt a need to protect the young woman. What he didn't know was, why? She was a murderer, she had threatened the life of those close to him, so why the sudden attraction?

Devine Goddesses above, take the memories of the last 10 minutes out of their mind. By the time they snap out of this haze, Raven and I will be long gone.

Mist filled the air once again as Colton, Jonas, and Zeke fell in a trance. A lifted her head and pecked Colton's cheek. "I will see you again." With those words being said both girl's disappeared.

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