Chapter 28: Siva Is Heartbroken

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It was the morning of the first show of the Australian tour. Siva woke up in the morning checked his phone and he had a message from Sophie

Sophie (text) - Siva I just do not see our relationship working out. I want to be with someone who I see near enough all the time. It's not you it's me. I have moved all my things out of your house. I'm sorry but we are over

Sivas heart then broke into a million pieces, he burst into tears, his emotions where all over the place, he was angry because she dumped him by text and sad because he truly loved Sophie.

(Siva POV)

When I read the text from Sophie I felt totally heartbroken. I truly loved her and I believed that we would be together forever, but I guess I was completely wrong. I thought that we would get through all bad things. I was so angry with the way se broke up with me, a text is a an awful way to dump someone. I honestly thought Sophie was the one, but I guess she doesn't love me anymore.

(End of POV)

Siva then went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Tom was sat at the kitchen table, eating his breakfast in the kitchen he knew by sivas face that he had been crying..

Tom - Siva mate are you alright

Siva (Burst into tears) - Sophie dumped me Tom

Tom (Got out of his seat and gave Siva a hug) - aww mate, I'm so sorry, everything will be ok

Siva - she dumped me by text

Tom - what a bitch, that's such a bad way to dump, such a lovely guy like you

Siva - I feel so depressed right now

Tom - hey don't get depressed, one day she will realise what she has lost and you would have found someone better by then

Siva - it's going to take me ages to get over Sophie

Tom - I know it will, but me and the rest of the boys will help you and you can always come and talk to one of us, when you feel down

Siva - thanks mate

Siva then got some breakfast and went back up to his room. Tom went into the lounge area where Jay, Nathan and Max where sat watching TV, he told them Sophie had dumped Siva by text. They all felt so sorry for Siva and they were trying to think of ways to cheer him up and make him smile.

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