Chapter 65: Break

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Jay Pov

I thought long and hard about the future and their was no doubt about it I wanted to be at home with Beth, Tommy and Jay Jnr because they are my family. I know that being in the bad we are away a lot over in America. The hardest thing about going away would be saying goodbye to Beth and my boys. I knew I would miss them like crazy.the only option I had would be to leave the band or convince the boys that the bad should take a break for a couple of years, I would still work obviously but on projects that would mean I would get to be at home with my family a lot more. I called scooter and explained everything. I was shocked because he thought my decision was reasonable. He told me he would phone the boys so we could all have a meeting to talk about it.

I was in the hospital with Beth. Tommy and Jay Jnr where still in incubators the doctor told us it wouldn't be long before we can hold them for the first time. They where getting stronger and stronger every day. They were little fighters. Beth and I just could not wait to finally hold them and be able to take them home. We both hated being in hospital. Our parents visited us every day for support. Beth needed lots of support at the beginning because she thought what had happened was her fault and she was just so depressed. She is alright now though knowing that our little rays of sunshine will be able to come home with us soon.

A couple of days later I got a call from scooter saying that he was in the UK and he told me to come to the hotel that he was staying at. When I got to scooters hotel we went to the hotel bar for a chat.

End of Pov

Scooter - first things first how is everyone

Jay - my boys are getting stronger everyday and Beth is now coping much better thanks

Scooter - that's good but how are you

Jay- my heads all over the placed. I'm worried about expressing how I feel to the boys

Scooter - don't be. They are on their way here now. I am on your side ok

About 30 minutes later all of the had arrived. The first thing that they did was ask Jay how beth and the boys were. Jay told them that they are getting better and better every day.

Tom - so why are we actually having this meeting scooter

Jay looked worried as he said - I was the one who basically wanted this meeting. I need to tell you something

Jay then paused for a minute

Nathan - spit it out we haven't got all day

Jay - the thing is I have been thinking a lot. Ever since my children have been born I now realise they are now my priority and they need me more than anything. I don't want to miss them growing up because they will grow up fast. Even when I look at them now everyday they seem to be a little different. I think now would be a good time for me to leave the band

Siva - what

Tom - are you serious

Jay - do I look like I am joking

Nathan- that's a bit ridiculous. They can come on the road with us

Jay - I don't want them being in the lime light. I want them to have a normal childhood

Max - I get it Jay. I know I will be exactly the same when my baby is born

Jay - I'm just trying to do what's best for my family

Siva - what about money then

Jay - I will find a project to do that means I will be able to see my children more and beside money isn't family

Max - I think it would be good for the bad to take a break for a couple of years and then see where we go from their

Nathan - suppose that would be not such a bad idea

Tom - I'm not happy with it but it looks like that will have to be

Siva - I suppose we are not The Wanted without Jaybird

Scooter - I suppose that's decided then. I will post a message up on the wanted website telling the fans

The boys then left the bar. Jay had tears in his eyes he thought the boys now hate him. Max gave Jay a hug and told him he understood where he was coming from. He asked jay if him and Emily could visit Beth and the boys in hospital tomorrow. Jay told him that it was fine and Beth would love visitors.

Jay Pov

When I got to the hospital I had tears streaming down my face. I made my way to the baby unit. I walked in to see Beth sat next to the incubators. When she saw me enter the door she walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I held her waist tight she whispered in my ear "babe everything is going to be ok". I cupped her face and kissed her softly on the lips. I then sat down on the chair pulling her onto my lap. I wrapped my arms tightly around her body. For the rest of the day we sat looking at our beautiful boys.


So that's the end. I didn't want it to end the way it did. I haven't had time to keep up with it, as college work has to come first. I will try and find time to begin a sequel, which will be focused on Jay and Beth :)

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