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@Hpandhttyd2004 : Lily asking James to teach her how to ride a broom

Lily and Sirius were in the middle of the Quidditch pitch, both on brooms and Sirius flying much higher than Lily. Lily was flying so near to ground that even her feet could touch the ground. One can clearly see the terrified girl on the broomstick. She held the handle so tight that her fists went pale. Her eyes were closed and her forehead was trying to converge into her nose.

"Fly Evans! One just doesn't walk on a broom!" Sirius yelled at her.

Every time she rose her altitude, she could feel herself losing grip and falling. Boy, she's regretting it already.

"One more word, Black and I'll kill you with this broomstick!"

"I thought you wanted to learn!"

"Well, you're not teaching me right!!!"

Sirius got off his broom in front of Lily.

"Then you should've asked the right person in the first place."

"And who that might be?" She asked rolling her eyes.


"Don't say it!"

"You want to learn without falling? He's the right person."

And they argued until Lily got tired of it. Later that evening.....


"Evans!" James greeted her, surprise etched in his face.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?"

"Finally giving in, eh?" James saw her face as she started to get angry. "Just messing around, Evans. Everything alright?"

Though Lily was a bit surprised at the way he asked, she let that pass because he's James arrogant toerag Potter.

"I'm learning to fly properly." At this, Sirius snorted earning a death glare from Lily. "I was just wondering if someone could help me through it."

"You need me???" James was surprised. And his heart felt heavy as if it might explode with happiness.

"If we didn't want Evans lying dead in the Quidditch pitch someday." Sirius mocked.

Lily smacked at him and turned away to leave without waiting for James' answer. It was a silent agreement. The next day she waited with her broomstick and James went down to the Quidditch pitch to "help" her.

I hope you like it!!!

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