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Lily rushed into the house, taking where her legs tended to go as her eyes were clouded with tears. She couldn't believe it but the dark mark hovering above the house was no joke. She definitely took many precautions so that the death eaters would never trace her parents. Even Dumbledore had helped her. But Voldemort had his own ways. She stood at the backyard door, her legs protesting to move any further, while her eyes watched the lifeless bodies of her parents. While her heart ached, her mind was playing all the memories of her parents to increase the pain. Slowly she moved towards the bodies and crashed to the ground. After a few minutes, James joined her, calming her while she grieved over her parents.

After an hour or so, Petunia joined her along with Vernon. Petunia cried violently, holding an arm each of their parents. She kept screaming for them to come back and Vernon tried to calm her. But she didn't stop, she couldn't stop!

"Tuney, they're g-g-gone!" Lily said shakily. Petunia turned at her suddenly, her face contorting in anger which was clearly visible in her red furious eyes.

"YOU KILLED THEM!!" Petunia began to start at her sister. Lily held James arm, who was about to retort, and let her sister scream at her. "YOU MANIACS HAVE KILLED MY PARENTS!!"

"They are mine too, Tuney." Lily tried to respond.


Lily couldn't even muster up the courage to argue that. It was true, indeed. The reason their parents were lying dead in the backyard was because they gave birth to a witch.

"THAT ROTTEN B*ST*RD IS KILLING EVERYONE!" It was James who yelled back.

"Shut up, Potter. I'm not talking to you!" 

"Watch your mouth when you're talking to my husband, Petunia." Lily seemed to gain some strength and confidence. "I did everything I could to protect not only them, even you! I'm not saying it's not my fault. But there's a war going on. People on either side are getting killed and as you've said once, I'm also going to get myself killed one of these days. BUT, please don't make it even more difficult for me right now, big sister."

"HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME LIKE THAT? How selfish are you to kill your own parents and not care??? GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE, YOU FREAK!!! AND I DON'T NEED A BLOODY PROTECTION FROM YOU!"

"I'm here for them." Lily looked at the corpses as she spoke.

"You are no daughter of them. You killed them." Petunia spat at her.

Lily's eyes welled up once again and James escorted her out of the house, out of Petunia's sight and she could only hear her mourning sister and "You killed them" in her mind.

A/N: Quite back to back updates, aren't they? Let me know what you guys think and maybe suggest some hidden events like this in HP universe which could be explored more... like & comment :) :) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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