Chapter 3

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Min-seo's POV
I woke up the following morning to meet bright sunshine. I could hear seven boys running around the dorm. Checking my phone, I noticed it was past midday. The birds were chirping in the trees and the noise of the busy city life thrived.

Through the thin plaster walls of the dorm I  could hear a heated argument. Instinctively, I sat up and settled with my side against the head rest, my ear leaning up against the wall.

"Why is that strange girl in your bed, Namjoon!?" I heard a high pitched female voice squeal. "Just because I have been out of town doesn't give you the excuse to go cheating on me!"

Namjoon tried to quieten her down but she definitely wasn't listening. I then heard the door of the bedroom slam open, banging against the wall as it did. I quickly laid back in bed as if nothing had ever happened.

I felt a firm hand roughly grab my hair, yanking me in an upwards direction whilst the other hand got to work on scratching my face. Her long nails dug into my skin and teared it away, leaving blood and ripped flesh. I let out a whimper of pain and attempted to defend myself but it was to no avail. The figure was now sitting on top of me, slapping my already raw skin. She pinned my arms against the head rest and made my look straight into her eyes.

"If you ever, ever, try and steal Namjoon away from me again, it will be more than just cuts and slaps you get." The female threatened, the stench of her caked make up making me gag. She slapped me one more time before moving over to Namjoon and beginning a heated make out session with him, smirking at me every time she got  a chance to see my face.

Being sickened by the sight before me, I sprinted to Jungkook's room; the closest room to Namjoon's. "Min-seo? What are you doing here?" He questioned as soon as he saw me. He was topless but I didn't care, I just needed to escape that situation.

I began to see small black dots appearing at the edge of my vision. After waiting for a reply for several minutes and seeing my slumped posture, Jungkook called the other members into his room and rushed to me.

Yoongi was initially angry that I was in another room with one of his members topless and my own clothes torn. However, being the loving fiancé he was, that didn't matter. He still carried me bridal style to the nearest medical cabinet and attended to my every wound; From cleaning my cuts to icing my reddened cheeks to making sure I had a change of clothes. He really was the best fiancé any girl could dream of.

Reassuring I was definitely okay, Yoongi gave me a piggy back ride to his bedroom. He laid me on top of his bed cautiously before shutting the door and snuggling under the duvet next to me. "What do you want to watch, my future wife?" He asked, emphasising the 'future wife' part. I moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest.

"Anything as long as I'm with you, my future husband" I replied just a sweetly, breathing in his intoxicating scent. He smelled like aftershave and sweat, but I couldn't think of anything I would rather call home than that.

His arms locked around my waist and I instantly felt secure. Warmth coursed through my small body at his every touch. I kept my head facing into his chest and my small fists twirled in the hair at the back of his head.

I couldn't believe how lucky I was, how blessed I was to be gifted with such an amazing partner. From his bag jokes, his short temper, his hearty laughs or his astonishing rapping skills, I loved it all. I loved everything about Yoongi... About my Yoongi.

Launching the long, black remote to the other side of the room, Yoongi turned to me again. "Why don't we just spend some time alone?" He requested sweetly, his warm eyes making my heart melt. "I would enjoy that a lot." I answered, my eyes never leaving his.

"Min-seo?" Yoongi said, regaining my attention. "Don't ever leave me again" he said, in his a low voice. I noticed that tears had begun brimming his eyes and that his hand were lightly shaking. "I love you, my beautiful Min-seo." Yoongi whispered huskily into my ear. The first tear follows down his cheek.

"I love you too, Yoongi" I said before locking our lips in a passionate kiss. His grip on my waist became tighter as we continued kissing.

And I will never, ever leave you again.

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