Part 5

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Robert's POV

"Mr Gordon Livesy, the court finds you GUILTY". I looked straight at Aaron, and held his hand as he started to cry with happiness. "We did it!" He exclaimed, tears running free. "No, you did it, I've not done anything, Aaron I'm so proud of you!!" I replied. Aaron needed to know that he was the one who was strong. "But you've been by my side all of the way, and you wouldn't let me give up, when we BOTH wanted to!" Said Aaron. I smiled at him, not hiding the adoration on my face. Chas and the rest of the dingles pulled Aaron into a giant hug, and I was stood there, smiling. He didn't realise how much the people around him loved him. After the giant hug, Aaron turned round to me, and smiled widely, and wrapped his arms around his waist as he pulled me into a hug, and I did the same, with my eyes closed and a big smile on my face. Aaron wasn't the only one who was crying. We were stood in the court, hugging for what felt like ages, but must have only been about 2 minutes.

Aaron's POV

I was so happy, I'm surprised that I wasn't dancing. I was hugging Robert, and he was hugging me back for ages when I pulled back, and said "I love you, Robert", and he said "I love you too, Aaron" and we were in our own bubble, unaware of anything else. Robert was crying too, and smiling when he gently grabbed my face, and strongly kissed me. I kissed him back, and a while later I pulled away, smiling. We let go of our embrace, but we were still holding hands, when I WHOLE FAMILY, who HATED Robert, were standing behind me, and I turned round and blushed. They were all staring at us, completely bewildered because most of them didn't know about the thing between me and Rob, and the rest were completely against it. To be fair, I had started off as an affair. "Aaron you never mentioned this?" Asked Lisa. "Ermmmmmmm, I guess it never came up" I answered, with a weak chuckle. Robert joined in. "Well, we're happy for you, aren't we?" Bella said, nudging the Dingles around her. "Yeah" they said, not too enthusiastically.

Robert's POV

After the awkwardness had mainly passed, we all got into our cars, congratulating Aaron beforehand. He got in mine, and when the doors were shut, I turned to him and said "I'm so proud of you, you know? You've fought hard to put that creep away, and you've done it", with a beaming smile. "Rob, if it wasn't for you, I'd have given up, he'd be free, and I would have done something stupid, which you cant tell ANYONE, by the way. But thank you, for sticking through" Aaron replied, doing his adorable little smile and looking into my eyes. "I promise, I wont" I said, looking back into his eyes. I patted his knee, knowing the fears Aaron had battled inside. He leant in to kiss me, and I leant in too, and we had a strong, passionate kiss.

Aaron's POV

We drove home, to find a party in the pub. I'd told my mum not to make a fuss, but she had anyway. I'd accept this time, as there was actually a good reason for once. And Robert was going to make an announcement, which I had agreed on. To my surprise, the whole White family was there, too (why not miss out on free drinks?) so this was going to be slightly more difficult, or funny. Depends on Chrissies reaction, I guess. "Well isn't this going to be fun?" I asked Robert, nudging him and nodding my head at Chrissie. "Is it bad to say this will be funny?" Robert said, smirking. I smirked too, and said "I thought that too, its fine". We both chuckled a bit, and Chas turned round and smiled. "Here he is, the man that got that creep put away, once and for all!" Chas exclaimed, and everyone in the pub raised their glasses. I got multiple congratulations, and I still felt a bit uncomfortable, knowing what Robert was going to do any time soon.

Robert's POV

I could tell Aaron was nervous, so I squeezed his hand, telling him its going to be fine. He smiled back, and ge was so adorable I just wanted to kiss him, right there, right then. I knew I had to wait. Before anyone got too drunk, I stood up and tapped his glass with a spoon, getting everyone to shut up. After I'd gotten everyone's attention, I started to speak. "As you all know, Aaron's been through a very dark time, because of that sick creep" I briefly shuddered, then continued "But, he was finally passed through it, and got to the light at the end of the tunnel, and got him" I shuddered again "put away for life, and I am so, so proud of him, because Aaron deserves justice, and he's got it" I smiled at Aaron, and he smiled straight back, but a bit nervous. I quickly winked at him, before continuing again. "Also, I've found someone. They are kind, caring, and I know that they love me, which is really difficult for me. We've been through dark times, very, very dark times, but we've gotten through them all, and I can safely say that I love them, and that I hope we can be together forever, as cheesy as that sounds" I started laughing slightly, as it was cheesy. "This person, is Aaron. And I don't care what anyone thinks, because we love each other" I said, holding my hand out to Aaron, and he took it, and stood up, smiling at me.

Aaron's POV

I was holding Robert's hand, beaming. He was smiling back, and he held my cheek with his other hand and kissed me, right in front of almost everyone in the village, and they all cheered. Well, everyone except Chrissie, and Lawrence. Even Lachlan was cheering, after all, he did like Robert, even after everything. Lawrence was scowling, and Chrissie was too, but in tears. We both glanced over fir a second, and started to giggle. "Hey, at least we've been accepted" Robert said, smiling at me. "Yeah, her face though, I'm surprised I didn't call her out on it" I replied, laughing a bit. "They're just about to leave, why not?" Robert said, jokingly, watching as the two practically dragged Lachlan out. "Good idea" I said, walking over. "You two do know Lachlan has freedom, he can stay here until 9pm, and its only about half 7 now" I said, clearly getting on Chrissies nerves. "Oh shut up, gayboy, I'm not stupid" she snapped, really annoyed. "Excuse me, I'm sorry if I'm so gorgeous I can attract married men" I said, suite sassily. Chrissie and Lawrence scowled, and Lachlan laughed, he couldn't help it.

Nobodies' POV

Lachlan had taken a liking to Aaron after Robert had got with him, even though he'd broken his mum's heart. The fact that Aaron despised the whole family except him, made him easier to like. Another point was that Aaron could stick up for him, just because he didn't like Chrissie. Lachlan still liked and respected Robert, because even though he's cheated on his mum, Robert had acted like a dad to him and knowing that Aaron made Robert happy, Lachlan liked and respected Aaron too. To be honest, Lachlan wasn't even that bothered that Robert was with Aaron, or that he'd stomped on his mother's heart.

Aaron's POV

After Chrissie and Lawrence had gave in, they'd went back home, but only after saying "Lucky, you better be home by 10 past 9 otherwise you're not going to that concert, because you'll be grounded" quite sternly. After they'd left, Lachlan turned to Aaron and said "Thanks Aaron, for convincing my mum to let me stay". "Its fine mate, she cant stop you really" I replied, with a smile. I went back over to Robert, and told him what happened.

Robert's POV

"She actually said that?" I asked, shocked at Chrissie being homophobic. "Yep, don't worry I had quite a nice comeback, but I'm not telling you because you might be offended" Aaron replied, smiling innocently as he could. "Tell me, pleaseee?" I asked, pouting like a child. "Fine, I just said that I was sorry if I was so gorgeous that I attract the married men" Aaron replied, giggling. I pretended to be hurt, then started to giggle too."Do you want to know the best bit?" Aaron said, laughing more. "Go in then" I replied, curious. "Lachlan was laughing too" Aaron said, and I smiled. "Well at least he likes you too" I said, and Aaron smiled too. "I'm just so sassy, how could anyone not like me?" Aaron said, sarcastically, and I smiled and kissed him.

Aaron's POV

I kissed Robert back, and we were kissing for a while until I could hear my mum clearing her throat, over exaggeratedly. I pulled away, and said "Alright mum, calm down". I looked at the time, and saw it was 5 to 9. "Lachlan! You're going to have to go, mate, or your mums going to be storming down here" I said, and he nodded, getting up from his seat. "Thanks, and congratulations, both of you" he said before smiling at me and Robert, and then leaving, running to get home. I turned around, and saw Robert smiling at me. "What?" I asked, confused. "You're good with Lucky, and he obviously doesn't despise either of us like the rest of his family" Robert answered. "Well that's good then, isn't it?" I replied, and kissed him.


Hi guys! This is a long chapter I know

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