Part 19

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Aaron's POV

I woke up and my neck hurt. I felt a weight on my head, and I realised I'd fell asleep cuddling Robert, on the couch. I smiled to myself, and I lay there until Robert woke up, yawning and holding his head. "I guess binge drinking isn't as good as it sounds then" I said, and Robert laughed sarcastically. "Very funny, Aaron. Nearly got rid of my headache it was that great" he said, and I laughed properly. "I've got to go to the pub, mum's got a new partner" I said, before getting up. "I need to go see Vic, she's not in work so I need to get my letters and stuff" Robert replied, and I helped him get up, up the stairs, get changed and back down the stairs. I got changed myself, and we went out. "So who do you think bought the pub?" Robert asked. "I don't know, could be anyone really, I might not even know them' I replied, and Robert laughed at me. "What?" I asked. "Trust me, you know who bought it" He said, and I looked at him confused. "What?" I repeated. "Look" Robert said, as he nodded his head at the Woolpack. I turned from Robert to look at the Woolpack, and Charity was stood there, talking to Diane and my mum. I slapped my head with my hand, and me and Robert laughed at each other. "Well, I've got to go to Vic's now," Robert said before he pulled me in by the waist and kissed me. I kissed him back, and I had to remind my self that we were in public. I pulled back, and smiled, and Robert smiled too before we said bye to each other and he turned and went to Vic's. I was stood looking at him in some kind of trance, when I heard my mum say "Earth to Aaron...helloooooo?" And saw her waving her hand in my face. "Alright, alright" I said, and she chuckled slightly. "So...have you guessed who's my new partner?" She asked. "Erm...oh I don't know...Charity maybe?" I asked sarcastically. "Alright, alright...yeah she's not yet though because she still hasn't PAYED" my mum said, raising her voice. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny I told you you'll get your money" Charity said. "When I'm dead" mum muttered before we went inside.

Robert's POV

I knocked on Vic's door, and she opened it. "Hiya Rob, come in" she said as she walked back inside. I went in, shutting the door behind me, and I sat on the couch. "So why are you all smiley smiley?" Vic asked, sitting next to me. "I am?" I replied. I didn't even know I was smiling. But I knew why. "Yeah, that's not normal for Robert Sugden. Why?" She asked again. "Aww Aaron's smile when I kissed him, I think it was because we were in front of the Woolpack. Aww he was so happy!" I answered, smiling more than I was before. "You've changed so much in like a month Robert" she said, and I nodded. I couldn't actually argue with that, if Vic would have asked me why I was smiling a few months ago, I would have muttered nothing and put on a poker face. "So I take it things are good with Aaron then?" She asked, laughing. "It's great, how's you and Adam?" I asked. "Alright, he's still complaining about Aaron not coming in often enough, god it's si hard not to laugh at him!" Vic exclaimed, and I just laughed. "I swear he's like your own Sheldon Cooper" I said, and Vic started to laugh. "I just cant wait for him to shut up about it, all he ever does is complain" she said, looking down. "Why, is he upset about something?" I asked. "I don't think so, maybe he's just decided he wants to be a grumpy old man? Oh I don't know..." Vic replied. "Do you want a cup of tea?" She added, and I said yes as she went into the kitchen.

Aaron's POV

"Bye love" my mum said, as I walked out of the door. "See you mum" I said, just before closing it. I figured Robert would still be at Vic's, so I went over there. "Hiya Aaron" Vic said as she opened the door after I'd knocked it. "Hi Vic" I replied, before walking in, closing the door and following her into the living room. "Alright?" Robert asked as I sat next to him. "Yeah, couldn't take any more of my mum fussing, she practically smothered me" I said, rolling my eyes, and Robert laughed. "I've had a good time here, chatting about Adam constantly complaining really" he said, and I laughed too. "I guess he's complaining about me?" I asked. "Just a bit, he complains about anything now" he replied. "And everything!" Vic added from the kitchen, and we just looked at each other and laughed. "She's not wrong" Robert said, and I just laughed a bit more. "Well all my mum did was talk about you and Charity...complaining as usual" I said and Robert shook his head. "Ah she's always complaining about me, but Charity? That's unusual" he said. "She was just complaining about how Charity hasn't paid the money yet, I doubt she will at all" I replied, and Vic came in. "Here's your tea, Robert, do you want one Aaron?" She asked. "No thanks, I've just had one" I answered. Vic sat down with her cup of tea and I browsed through the channels on the TV. Not long later, we heard the door open and Adam walked in. "Alright?" He asked. "Yeah" we all replied. He sat down and said "Nice to actually see you, shame you couldn't go to the scrapyard and work there buddy!". Me, Robert and Vic started laughing, and Robert was in the middle of drinking his tea so he nearly choked. I patted his back, and me and Vic laughed a bit more when I said "You've seen enough of me just now haven't you? I'm looking great today so there's a lot to take in, I know", putting my hand on my cheek and smiling at him. "Just show up for once! I know there's not too much to do at the moment but that's because I've been there" he said. I rolled my eyes at him, and Robert said "I think we should go now, bye Vic, bye Adam" before standing up and walking out. Before I walked out with him, I turned round and said "Change the record mate. Bye Vic". We got outside, and Robert started laughing. "What?" I asked, confused. "You, being a Mr sassypants!" He replied, and I laughed before saying "Alright Mr Smugden" before we went home.


Hi guys! Short chapter, I know, but I'm busy with homework and school ;-; also the reason I haven't posted as much as I should, sorry :( I hope you like the short chapter and I'll try to update the story more often! :)

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