[1] They're Not Real

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I heard the muffled sound of a familiar voice calling my name while my shoulders were being shaken.

"Tyler?! Can you hear me?"

I blinked a few times until a face came into view. It was Josh(ua) Dun. He's been my first - and only - friend for who knows how long.

I looked around a bit until I realized I was sitting up against my high school bathroom wall. Josh had stopped shaking me, but he was still asking if I could hear him. I blankly looked up at him, he was kneeling down in front of me. I don't know why I didn't answer him. Of course I wanted to, but my body wouldn't let me. My body just felt...limp and dead. Oh, God am I paralyzed? No no no! This is not what I had planned!

There was loud knocking on the bathroom door. They were here, The Eliminators. The Eliminators is a small group of people who have only one goal in life: Make me go completely mad until there's absolutely nothing left of me.

I was frozen with fear... Then again I couldn't move even if I wasn't scared, my body wouldn't let me. I was unable to move. Was this is end? Am I going to die?

One of them busted through the door and Josh jumped to his feet just as the rest of The Eliminators flooded into the bathroom. They were staring at Josh and I with glowing eyes.

Everything was happening in slow motion. Then suddenly, a gun went off and Josh fell to the floor. Dead.

There was blood everywhere. The shot was close ranged which caused the liquid that ran through Josh's body, keeping him alive, was now splattered all over the walls, sinks, stalls, the floor, and mirror.

I tried to scream. Why can't I move? Why can't I call out for help? How does no one notice what's going on? I was helpless and my best friend was lying dead on the floor with his dead, lifeless eyes staring back at me.

My vision slowly faded to black. I guess I fainted out of fear.

When I woke up, I was sitting in the corner of the bathroom, hugging my knees to my chest. The room was empty and quiet. The only noise I could hear was my loud breathing and the quick beating of my heart.

The door opened and Josh came into view... What?

I starred up at him in shock.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Josh said worried. "I've been looking around the whole school for you, Tyler. Why did you run outta class like-"

"Oh my God!" I cut him off and quickly shot up from where I was sitting. I ran over to Josh and tightly wrapped my arms around him. "How are you still alive?!" I cried out into his shoulder. "I - I saw you get shot! You died, Josh! And yet I'm standing here hugging you..."

Josh sighed and wrapped his arms around me. I quickly glanced up at him, then buried my face into his shoulder again with my tears soaking into his red T-shirt. This made no sense! I just saw Josh get shot clear as day, and now he's literally holding me in his arms, alive. Josh was alive... He was alive.

"Tyler..." Josh breathed, "Meet me at the back door in the foreign language wing after class, okay?"

I nodded into his shoulder and we both separated from the hug. I was shaking from all the adrenaline and my brain still needed to comprehend what had just happened. It was tenth period and there was only five minutes left until the bell rang, letting everyone run free from the school. I rubbed my eyes and Josh patted my back, then the both of us headed back to class. Josh and I have tenth period study hall together and the teacher sat us right next to each other. She said that he'll be able to calm me down if my 'disorder' ever got out of hand. I don't even have a disorder but oh well. I get to sit next to Josh so that's an upside! Our study hall was originally in the cafeteria - I call it the commons - but they moved a few people to the French room including Josh and I.

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