Well Then

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"Just because you keep running into someone, that doesn't mean you're in some book."

" Yeah, you're right. It's just annoying."

"I feel."

We continued walking around with mom boredly, unless we saw some nice clothes on sale. Soon later we left because Mom fucking hates the mall with a passion.

We continued on with the day, going store to store. Once in awhile I'd glance at my phone, see a few messages pop up for the group chat or possibly a game notification. For awhile I tried my best to not to unlock my phone, but I decided I was bored as hell and went on the group chat.


Isaiah: Hayley pls

Sans: oml

Me: he is a cartoon polar bear


   Me: jfc

   I went back to starring blankly out the window. Thinking about shit, being emo as fuck. I had nothing else to do anyway. Jane was in the car but she doesn't really talk while we're in the car, and mom was silently upset for some reason. I sighed, and turned on the radio. Single Ladies by Beyoncé was playing. Well, it somehow lifted my spirits and I began to sing the classic song while doing the hand thing she did I the video. Jane laughed, and mom did a weird face while doing the hand thing.

   The day went on and on. Like about half of the Saturdays I have experienced. Well, hopefully school on Monday won't be a drag.

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