Do I Feel Happy In Life?

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  "Feeling super super super super... Suicidal," I sang, singing with half of the effort I usually put into my voice. Probably because I was stuck with cleaning my room, which was probably because I was suspended for the next three days. What else was I going to do? Cry over nothing? Possibly. 

  December 3rd: Music is what I claim as my home. No, not the kind where you sleep at, eat at, whatever. It's the kind of house you get all to yourself, and much less expensive. It's like a vacation home, where everything you want is right there. There's always that one song, artist, or album that's always there for you. -Charlotte

  That was all I left in my journal for that day, nothing had happened before then, for at least the past twelve painful hours. All I wanted was for my friends to get out of school and Skype me. I checked the time on my phone eagerly, it was already three twenty-four. Only six more minutes, and I already finished cleaning my room

  I was laying in bed, thinking about my whole previous week. It was a complete mess. I got suspended, kissed my ex-girlfriend (probably because I like her now). Why did she ever become my ex? We were both just rude towards each other and to others. We've changed, so would a second chance really hurt? All I could think was maybe, maybe my heart will be broken once again. I figure I'm stupid enough to take that risk. All I know is that I can't screw it up. 

  Seconds later, my Skype started going off, and I sprung up excitedly to see her calling. 

  December 1st: Her: who is she? Oh my, how do I ever explain this without sounding like I've fallen in love? She is beautiful. She is someone I always look forward to seeing and being with. I don't know how I'll survive this week without her. I love her laugh, I love how she pays attention to me with all the attention I need. She doesn't overdo it. She takes away my fear, she takes away my ability to be sad a lot of times, and that's powerful. I like her so much because she's... Her. (And might be my ex girlfriend) -Charlotte

  I answered without turning my camera on, I would not be answering to her with my hair in a messy ponytail and no makeup on. "Hey Stella," I said excitedly. "How was school without me?"

  "Oh, it was terrible," she said. Her camera was on, and I got a look at her beautiful face. "Was it really?" I asked.

  "Yeah, there wasn't much to entertain me and Mia at lunch- or the whole day." 

  "I must be special."

  "You sure ar-" I could hear the wind from outside blow into her microphone. I could hear her and my best friend talking about something discrete over the wind. 

  "Hey buddy," I could hear Mia say, she had taken over Stella's phone. She sounded just a bit sarcastic. "Thanks for leaving us for just about the entire week. And winter break is about to start after next week!"

  "Hey, I didn't know I would get involved with the school for taking a selfie in the locker room."

  "It's the locker room. You could've gotten a naked girl or something in the shot. Three days of suspension is not worth taking a picture of your pretty little face. You can always take more pictures later."

  "I know," I said admittedly. My head was starting to hurt. "Hey, I'll call you guys later, I have a bad headache. Love ya." 

  I hung up before they could say anything, grabbing a couple pills- or four, and taking them dry. I realized after taking them I wouldn't be sleeping much that night, the pills were loaded with caffeine. I decided to scribble a bit more into my notebook before laying down to try take a nap.

  I wish I hadn't started taking pills. -Char


Hey guys! New story! I'll be posting a summary soon, and I'll be writing a few more chapters before publishing this one. Sorry it's short! It's more of an intro. Love you! Q: What's a good name for a douche bag guy? (I need help getting one for the story) -Grace

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