More Than A Gloomy Sunday

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Hello friends! I have a surprise in this chapter for you fetus Panic! At The Disco fans. ;) -Grace

  I wish I could just.. Fly away. Right now, you know? I really have a burning passion of hate built up for science class. All we've been doing recently is filling out stupid packets to take a four hour-long test in a week. A few of my older friends have told me high school is easier... Where's the truth? Trick question, there is no truth. High school is Hell wrapped up in spiked wrapping paper. Except there is less drama- I guess. 

  I took a deep breath and opened my laptop, because thank God we are allowed to use those in class, and started typing up a journal entry. 

December 6th, please kill me. Today has just been absolute shit. Science has been boring as usual, but with a side of... HIM.. staring at my ugly face. At least I get to see my best friend next period. Though she's been kinda acting different. How, you ask? Well thanks for asking, digital journal that lets me talk to myself, but she has been more to herself and kind of snappy and rude. Though, I've been shrugging it off because I think that's just her. Maybe we'll find out what's wrong huh? -Char

  "Charlotte," I blinked harshly and looked up only to see someone I was unfamiliar with. He had dark brown hair that fell a bit above his shoulders that was slightly lighter than the color of his eyes, a cute and small button nose, and thin, blush-colored lips that were calling my name repeatedly. 

  "Charlotte... Goldstein?" He asked, looking down at me with a confused expression. He was... actually pretty cute. 

  "Ah, yeah, that's me," I said quietly, my voice raspy from not talking for thirty minutes it seemed. He raised his eyebrows for a second and then continued to talk. "Um, the science teacher, I forgot her name, wants you to show me around the school."

  "Show you around the school?"

  He laughed nervously, and as I looked down I could see he bouncing one of his legs anxiously. He handed me a small note card and stood there as I read it. 

  Charlotte, I need you to have this kid by your side for the whole day, for he is new to this school. The office has chosen you to tour him the whole day. Thank you, 

  Mrs. Yote 

  What I don't understand is why she couldn't have told me in person, as she is right across the room. 

  I looked back up at the boy and smiled, "I'm Charlotte if you didn't already know. Your name?" 

  "Ryan Ross." His name was put together so well, it goes great. I nodded and had him sit next to me, since my table is practically deserted. The only two girls who sit here went off and sat with their friends in this class. 

  It was silent for a few minutes, and in that time I answered a few questions in one of my science packets to eliminate most of the awkward vibes. He just looked around the room with bright eyes. I felt bad for the silence so I started a small talk conversation. "Are you tall?" Of all things, I ask his goddamn height. 

  "I'm 5'9" What the fuc-

  "I'm 5'3," I said, looking at him in the eyes. He looked back into my eyes with shock and laughed. His voice was beautiful, not going to lie. I smiled back and glanced over at Anthony, who was already staring at me with evil eyes. Is he jealous I'm talking to someone? What is his problem? 

  After a few minutes of small talk with Ryan, the bell chimed all around us and I started to pack my things. I started to hum a Fiona Apple song as I did so, Ryan standing next to me. With him compared to me, it's like a house next to a kitten. If that even makes sense. "I have social studies next," I sighed, "I'm sure you'll have fun in there."

  "Oh, I enjoy some topics in that class."

  "You won't here," I said, smiling sarcastically. He was cute but damn, he was kind of annoying. My next class was just across the hallway where I would have class with Mia. I rushed over to the room, Ryan running along behind me. 

  I sat next to Mia, having no trouble for Ryan to find a seat, since my table in that class was also practically deserted. "Mia, look at this photo shop I made." I pulled out my laptop hurriedly and showed her an edit I made of someone we all love- Barry the Bee. "Oh, cool," she said, glancing for a second and then looking back at her own laptop. I looked at Ryan with an "I'm done" look on my face, but he just smiled. What was Mia's problem recently? Since our teacher wasn't in yet, I contemplated asking. My face felt hot from the embarrassment of her not even acknowledging something her best friend made. But was I even her best friend still?

  "Mia, what's your deal?"

  "Nothing," she muttered. 

  "No, I know something is wrong, and you've been taking it all out on me."

  "Nothing's wrong," she said more firmly. I was about to talk but then our teacher walked in. 

  "Alright you evil kids, today is study hall for our social studies finals next week. Get started. Do research on your laptops and what not. You have about an hour."

  As the class officially started, Mia started to type on her laptop, but I couldn't see what it was. It gave me the idea to start typing on my laptop also, into my personal journal. I started to type about how much yesterday sucked. 

  Yesterday, my dad came to give me some money and my nose just started gushing blood. It got all over my shirt and a few drops on my friends jacket. I got to go to the bathroom and the blood was just leaking. It was dripping down my chest and all on my face it was terrible. I wasnt even close to crying but it was still really bad. My teacher gave me my backpack so i could switch shirts cause i brought an extra one, though i dont really like it because you can kinda see my bra through it. But it has a cute pattern.

  I glanced over to Ryan, who was drawing something on a piece of paper. I was sort of curious, but not curious enough at the moment. 

 Then i just fell asleep to something and woke up so late in the morning i had ten minutes to get ready. This morning at school, me and my sister went to the bathroom and did makeup. Her boyfriend wasnt there so we were able to. Because her boyfriend likes, "all natural". What an ass amirite. Anyways, she also wants to dye her hair an unnatural colour but of course he wont let her do that also, so just for him shes dying it a natural color and doesnt wear makeup when hes here. So we did makeup and i just did the basics. I feel like my eyeliner is really far out all lana del rey style, but i like it.

  I stopped typing once my curiosity got the best of me. "Hey Ry, what are you drawing?" Wait what the actual fuck, did I just call him Ry? Why, why, why, why, why-

  "Oh um, just a freestyle portrait." It's a good thing he completely disregarded "Ry". I glanced over at his drawing and saw... Mia?

  "I-," he paused and laughed nervously. "I was just observing and decided to draw her. I was gonna draw you next." Well that's fine with me, because he is actually really good at art. 

  I complimented his work and typed up one more thing into my journal.

  This week is going to end badly, I can feel it. -Char


Hello! Did you like that extra character I included? I've been typing this chapter up for about 45 minutes, I've had so many ideas to put into this story! 

Q: What's your favorite social media app and why?

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