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•Ryoka's POV•

I came into school the next morning with a black eye.I kept my head down and sat down in my seat.I kept my promise and didn't have my headphones on."The octopus came in and did the register."Alright class!"He caught a knife thrown by someone in a tissue."We're starting with maths today." Most of the class groaned.He seemed to grin wider if possible.He surveyed the class.His tiny little eyes landed on me."Ryoka."The whole class turned towards me again."Look up at me please."
I gulped and lifted my head slowly.Everyone gasped.New boy inhaled loudly.He sits in the seat left of me.Octopus turned blue,then red,then yellow again.He sighed."See me during lunch."
Class dawdled on.I did practically all of this stuff 2 years ago.My fingers itched to put my headphones on.New boy wouldn't stop staring at me sadly.I don't need pity."Can you kindly stop staring at me and get on with what you're supposed to be doing."I snapped without looking up."Why should I?"He asked.
"Because it's rude to stare."
"What if I don't want to?"
Octopus noticed New boy talking."Karma!No talking.You have something to be getting on with.The mid-terms are soon,you should study."
Karma smirked.

Lunchtime came finally.Octopus beckoned me and led me to the staff room.4 desks were in the middle of the room.Kinda strange since there are only 2 teachers,Octopus and Karasuma-san.Karasuma watched as Octopus led me in."Should I leave?"He asked.
"If you could be so kind."Octopus said.
Karasuma stood up from his desk,slid the door open and set off down the corridor.The octopus sat down.I'm surprised he fits in the office chairs they school provides."Ryoka.What happened to your eye?"
Triggering events ahead.
I sighed."Mom brought home another asshole."
"Sorry.Anyway,when I came home he was already there.Smoking weed with my Mother.When he saw me,he completely lost interest in her and came after me."I didn't realise I had started to cry."He-he tried to-to get in my pants,but I kicked him in the groin.He-he got angry and punched me."
Trigger over.
The octopus pinched the place where his nose should have been."Oh Ryoka.You obviously aren't safe at home.I suggest you start staying here with me."
I sniffed."It's again the rules."
"I'm here against the rules too,aren't I?No,no.I insist.Go home tonight,pack some clothes it whatever, then tomorrow you'll start staying here.There's an empty classroom at the end of the corridor.It's small,but we can fit a bed and dresser in there if I clear out the desks."
"Why are you doing this for me?"I asked.
"Remember Ryoka.My students safety comes first."He holds up a tentacle."That reminds me.Here."He throws a packet of strawberry pocky at me."I know it's not much,but it's the best I can do on a teachers salary."
I stared at him wide-eyed."Are you kidding?!This is the most I've had to eat all week!"
"Thank you sir.For everything."
"It's no problem,Ryoka,really.Students-"
"-Safety comes first.I get it."
I smiled at him.
"You can go now."
I slid the door open.Leaning against the wall on the other side was New boy.
"Ugh.Not you again."I grimaced.
He smirked."Hello,Itakgaki-sama.I'm Karma."
"If you're going to follow me around at least call me Ryoka."
I roll my eyes and walk outside.He follows,2 steps behind.I hop up onto a low tree branch and settle there.He looked impressed by how quickly I got up.He climbed up sat beside me.Too close."Can you please not sit so close to me."
"If I moved away,I would fall off,and I don't particularly want to move away."
"I'm flattered."
I opened the box of pocky."Hey you know what we should do?"He says grinning.
Do not say pocky challenge.Do not say pocky challenge.
"The pocky challenge."
Oh for fucks sake.
"Why?You chicken?"
"No particularly.I just don't like the thought of us sharing saliva."
"If you're not chicken,then you'll do it."
"Fine.Just to stop you bothering me."
"Great."His smirk grew even wider.
We got closer and closer,as the stick got shorter and shorter.We were about a centimetre away when I got nervous.I pulled away."I chicken."
"Now we can't have that can we."
Karma grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer.Our lips met.His were warm and soft,and they fit perfectly into mine.He let me go and jumped down."See you later,kitten."
"Oh so that's what you're gonna call me now?"I jumped down after him.
"You're an asshole."
"You know you like me."
"Oh,do I now?"
I caught up to him.
That was the start of a great friendship, and later,a beautiful love...

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