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The picture is Ryoka.


•Ryoka's POV•

I came home that day to find my Mother standing in the kitchen.She was stirring something on the stove and swaying to an invisible beat.When she heard the door close,she turned towards me with a bright smile.It looked kind of strange considering the slightly yellowed skin and bags.Same purple hair(except hers was a bit longer), same pink eyes.I was a mirror image, except my face held a scowl."Ryoka!You're home!"She exclaimed cheerfully."What...Is this?"I asked.This was the first time in a couple of months to come home to her not stoned,or fucking some guy on the couch."Well..."She guided me to the chair in the corner by the shoulder."You see,after what happened yesterday,"I stiffened."I decided to get of my ass and go to rehab.By the way,I made spicy udon noodles for you.It'll be ready in 15 minutes,I'll call you."

She turned back to the counter and started chopping something up.I got up and left to my room.Well,if you could call it that.It was really more of a cupboard.There was only space for a dingy mattress.I managed to mount shelf onto the wall and wrapper  my clothes in a plastic sheet so the rats wouldn't get to them.Yes,rats.The apartments are gold mines for them.I opened my school bag and shoved the plastic envelope to the bottom.I took the folder where I keep my assignments and removed my Rin and Len poster from tobacco stained wall,then inserted it.My charger was already instead the backpack,and all that was left to pack was my pencils.I lifted up the mattress and pulled out the square tin.I opened it,just to check that my fanart was still there.It was.My unfinished picture of Kaito fluttered to the floor.My mother knocked the instant it touched the boards.Shit.I scrambled to pick it up and quickly shoved it along with the tin in my bag,just in time.The slender woman sauntered in."What are you up to?"
She quipped brightly."Just doing some homework."I lied through my teeth."Is it hard?"
Like she even cares."Not really,I just finished."
"Oh,well,it's ready,so come eat."
The noodles where undercooked.She tried,but with our budget, it was very meagre.She tried to make cheerful conversation,however she made what was already tense simply uncomfortable."So...Do you have any boys you like in your class?"
My mind drifted to Karma.Did I like him that way?My mother's grating voice cut through my thoughts like a knife.
"Aww,you're blushing!You do like someone!"My mother squealed.Blushing?I touched my cheek,it was indeed hot."My little girl is growing up!"
Mother rushed around the table to give me a hug.She is surprisingly strong for someone so thin."Tell me everything!What's his name,what's he like?!"
I simply shoved noodles in my mouth and avoided her questions.

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