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•Ryoka's POV•

I woke up late the next morning and had to get dressed twice as fast.This also meant my mother was awake when I left which was a huge problem in itself.I had just paused to check if my hair was okay in the cracked mirror when she started bombarding me."Have a nice day at school,sweets."She tried to kiss my cheek but I manoeuvred out of the line of fire.It's sad that she decided to get herself together just when I decided to leave.I know it isn't going to last though.She stared at my bag."Your bag is chock full,hon.What you got in there?"
You would just love to know,wouldn't you?
I pretended to check the clock on the wall,even though I knew it had stopped ages before."Look,I gotta go."I said making a beeline for the door."I don't wanna be late."
Mother gave me one last hug before letting me go.
"See you later,sweets!"
You keep thinking that.


I was 3/4 up the mountain when Karma caught up with me."Hey Kitten,what's up?"
"Not much."
"This is the part where you ask me."
"I don't really care."
Karma chuckled."I want to introduce you to someone"
Karma gestured to someone behind him. A moment later,a blue haired girl with pigtails ran up."This is Nagisa."
Oh,that's a guy?!And I give myself a hard time for looking like a boy.
"Ryoka."I stuck out my hand for him to shake.He took it.
"Why is your bag so full?"
"No reason."I said pulling away from him.
Karma dived and full on tackled me from behind."Oof.Get off of me ,you ass!"
"You're really comfy though..."Karma whined.Nagisa was sniggering.
"Well you're really fat,moron."
He got up slowly,then grabbed my backpack and sprinted away with it."Bastard!"I spat.Nagisa walked over."You need a hand up?"He asked.
"Nah."I was already dusting myself off.Karma came back.He looked serious."Ryoka.Why are there clothes in your bag?"
"Um..."I struggled to find an answer.
"Ryoka."Karma looked at me sternly."It's this thing I've got after school."I managed to half ass it,just enough for it to seem plausible."Right..."I could tell neither of the boys believed me.Karma opened his mouth to say something else,when I noticed we were at our destination."Oh,look we're here!"I said overly cheerfully.
Nagisa and Karma simply dropped the topic as I walked into the building.I really hope I stop getting so much attention,it's getting harder to avoid my problems and all the questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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