Chapter 7

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That's Rory!

Chase [POV]

"Well she's my pup so of coarse she'll talk to me." Noloan said it so suriously i chuckle with my head still resting on his neck. I heard Melody laughing at Noloan so his must have been doing a goofy expression or something. 

I everytime our skin touches it feels like fireworks going of and will never end. Fuck, I love him so much. Though I think his hiding something from me, and it seems to be an abusive thing because no one would scare of my sister at one growl or cry when they food was taken away for a second or even cry because they were left alone. I'm worried about Noloan--- My thoughts were inupted by Sam saying, "Earth to Chase, Earth calling Chase, Come in Chase.

"What is it Sam?" I mumble in Noloan's neck making him giggle. 

"Would you like me and Sandy to take Melody tonight? So you can alone time with Noloan." Sam whispered in my ear. My head popped up and looked at Sam blushing wildly.

"Hell yes!" I whispered at him. He chuckle and nodded.


Back at our apartment I notice Noloan was being twichy like he wanted to ask me something but was to nervous to.

"Baby do you have something to tell me?" I asked sweetly.

"N-n-nn-no I-i-i want t-t-to a-a-ask y-y-you s-s-something."

"Oh? What is it? You can tell me anything." I said picking him up, carrying him to the coach and sitting him on my lap on the coach.

"C-c-c-c-c-can i-i-i g-g-g-g-g-go t-t-to m-m-my o-o-old p-p-p-pack h-h-h-house t-t-to get m-m-my s-s-stuff???" He asked nervously. My eyes were wide and angry. I don't want my mate going back to that pack that hurt him so much he cries at night.

"No." I said trying not to growl.

"But--" I cut him off, "Noloan I don't want you getting hurt ever again. I can't bear seeing bruises on your pale skin, your big beautiful eyes filled with tears because of the pain they give you." Noloan's eyes filled with tears and he kissed my lips deeply. My tongue crossed over his bottom lip making him moan and open his mouth. He wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me in deeping the kiss. When he pulled back he said, "Please Chase. I'll bring Rory and Melody with me."

"Why do you want to go back there so badly? they hurt you... nearly killed you." I started to tear up. he just smiled and held me in a tight hug.

"I want to go back to get my stuff because there's something there that i want to give to you." he whispered in my ear making me feel happy and calm. 

"Fine you can go. only if Melody, Rory, and Sam are with you." I grumble, he kisses my cheek and says, "I love you with all my being Chase."

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