Chapter 10

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Noloan [POV]

I woke up to see Chase's huge arms wrapped around me and I smile at his beautiful sleeping face. I looked down, realized Chase and I were naked. I wiggled free from his arms and stood with a blanket wrapped arond me when I saw Chase waking up. I knelt next to the bed and smiled when his eyes met mine. 

"What are you doing on the floor?" He asked as his happy grin went to a confused one.

"I'm naked." I whisper mumbled.

"Oh, are you embarrassed?" he slightly chuckled.

"Yes, yes I am." I hid my eyes away from him, but then I felt him grab and lift me back on the bed. He then lifted my chin so i was looking straight into his eyes.

"I love you, Noloan." He whispered my name and it sent shievers down my spine. Then he kissed my forehead, nose, cheek, and lips. "I love you too." I smiled with the most gladness I've ever felt since that awful,awful night...


I walked to Sam's apartment to pick up Melody. As I walked i saw a young cub neing picked on by older cubs. I walked up behind the older cubs and said, "Excuse me?"

One of the older cubs with black hair turned around said in a cocky tone, "Can I help you?"

"Yes you can. why wre you being mean to this young cub?"

"We're not being mean."

"Oh? Then why is he crying?"

"I don't know."

"Mmm What's your name?"

"Paul. Yours?"

"Naloan Riverock." now both boys were looking at me and then i stomped my foot. they ran off and I knelt in front of the crying cub.

"Are you ok, little cub?"

"N-n-no I w-want my m-m-m-mommmy!"

"OK come here let;s go find your mom. ok?" he nodded and picked him up and we went looking after i picked up Melody.  

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