What Makes You Beautiful [Zarry]

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What Makes You Beautiful

Harry spots Zayn, the quite shy guy, walking passed him down the hallway.

Everyone always looks at Zayn as soon as he was in sight, but that doesn't mean Zayn ever noticed it.

Zayn has his head down, not making eye contact with anyone. He just wants to reach his locker so he can get his books and head to class without any trouble.

But nothing goes right for Zayn, ever, as the school bullies consisting of Brody, Jake and Spencer walk over to him.

"Oh look who we have here boys" Brody, the leader, says as he shoves Zayn's shoulder.

Whimpering slightly, Zayn still focuses his gaze on the floor "Please, leave me alone" Zayn pleads as he meets the menacing eyes of the three huge lads towering over him.

Brody steps closer to Zayn, caressing his cheek "You look so pretty Zayn" he admits causing Zayn's cheeks to flush pink.

Ever since year nine, Brody has always made it his priority to tease Zayn, physically, mentally and emotionally. Only because puberty was Zayn's best friend at the time as the young, baby faced lad developed into a mature, handsome man; or as some called him 'A Greek god'. But that's not the reason Brody continuously annoyed Zayn, nope. Well in year nine Brody grew an interest in Zayn, along with nearly everyone else in the school, however Zayn simply did not reciprocate these feelings, embarrassing Brody when he announced his feelings to Zayn in front of the whole school, only to get rejected.

"I will once you go out with me, I mean come on Zayn, no one else finds you attractive apart from me so act now before I also lose interest in you" Brody whispers harshly as he knocks his shoulder onto Zayn's as him and his followers disappear into the crowd of students.

Sighing with relief, Zayn scurries to get his books and quickly heads off to his Geography class, books in hand.

Without looking where he was going, too busy hiding his face from everyone, he collides with another body, sending both boys flying backwards.

Harry quickly dusts himself off, striding over to Zayn's side, offering him his hand.

Looking up at Harry in shock, Zayn mumbles a quiet "I'm sorry. Wasn't looking where I was going" while using Harry's hand to hoist himself up.

Harry chuckles as Zayn blushes "You never do seem to look where you are going" he teases.

Being the oblivious person Zayn is, he looks up in confusion at Harry while raising both his eyebrows "Huh?" He questions.

Harry laughs louder "No, it's just you never seem to look up at anyone" he points out as he gathers Zayn's books for him.

"Thanks and well it doesn't really make a difference if I look up or not, it won't really change anything" he admits while taking the books from Harry.

Zayn's known Harry for a long time, he can't deny that Harry is very good looking, he was always kind to Zayn as well. In other words, Zayn has a crush on the curly haired Casanova.

"Why are you so insecure Zayn?" Harry questions while cupping Zayn's cheek and rubbing his thumb over Zayn's prominent cheekbones.

Without meeting Harry's gaze, Zayn mumbles "I'm not insecure" while clenching his fists because in all honesty, he knew Harry's words were true.

Lifting Zayn's chin so their eyes meet, Harry smiles "You're beautiful Zayn, you need to know that" he admits.

Taking a step back while blushing, Zayn shakes his head "No I'm not. If I was so beautiful then Brody wouldn't be the only person in this school to take interest in me" he points out, once again diverting his face to the dirty floors of the hallway.

Harry takes a step close, holding onto Zayn's waist "Well then, why is it that I've taken quite the liking to you?" Harry questions as Zayn finally looks into Harry's eyes.

Zayn chokes on the forming lump in his throat "Y-You what?" He asks as coughs.

Placing his forehead onto Zayn's, Harry smiles "I like you, I think I have for a while" he states.

"But why? You can have anyone in the school, or even the world yet you're here admitting that you like me. I just don't get it" he admits.

Pulling Zayn closer to him, not caring if anyone was looking, he smiles softly "You intrigue me Zayn. Your looks are so captivating that you fail to realise just how beautiful you really are. You walk through school without even realising that everyone stops to look at you and I guess I'm one of those people too. It's not me that can have anyone I desire Zayn, it's you" Harry explains while awaiting Zayn'a reaction.

"You're crazy" Zayn announces as he slaps Harry's chest.

Harry chuckles "Crazy for you" he corrects while he nervously places his lips firmly on Zayn's as they stay like that for a while, enjoying the touch as well as one another's presence.

Once they pull away, Harry hugs Zayn "Please, just don't ever think you're not beautiful because trust me Zayn, you really are" he whispers into Zayn's ear.

Zayn nods "Only if you'll be my boyfriend" he challenges with a smirk.

The sudden courage Zayn gained was due to Harry. He felt less insecure and more himself just by being with Harry. So clearly Zayn couldn't let him go.

"Of course! You know why?" Harry asks as he looks at Zayn.

Shaking his head, Zayn shrugs "No, why?" He questions as he laces his fingers through Harry's until their fingers were intertwined with one another's.

"Because you light up my world like nobody else" Harry admits as they share a kiss in the middle of a busy corridor, not having a care in the world.

Just like it should be.

Written by Akshaya_1Dlover \(♥o♥)/

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