A whole new world. Jacob Black love story. Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Things seemed to move quickly since mum suggested I take a trip away, not that I minded, i had this new found attitude of seizing the moment, why wait, just get on with it. Although I had a feeling that attitude could also get me in trouble one day.

Sitting on the plane you'd think everything would feel real by now but no, the opposite quite frankly.

A week ago I was just dragging through my normal everyday life, same routine and now, something new is happening. I'm not sure if I felt excited, nervous, scared or possibly a mixture of all three.

I'd hugged my mum tightly at the airport as we said our see you soon, I promised I wouldn't cry but my self control needed a bit of work to say the least. I was going to miss her so much but i knew i had to do this not only for me but for her. Life had to be lived to the fullest because as painfully as i know it can all change in a matter of seconds. I didn't want to be on my deathbed someday and thinking I should of or i wish i had. I want to smile with peace written in my blood remembering all the beautiful things the world had offered me.

Thankfully I only had to say one goodbye today as Benji had to move about for work. I was proud of him for pushing himself to want better, to do better and I know my dad would be so proud. At first he was apprehensive about leaving, we'd always been together but this was something he needed to do, no matter how selfishly i wanted to keep him by my side. So, when I mentioned I was also considering the opportunity to go away for a while, he encouraged me to try it reassuring me that no amount of miles in the world would change anything between us but that we need to spread our wings and find ourselves.

Of course, tears were spilled, too much alcohol was consumed to which drunken babled promises were made. Open heartedly I wanted the best for him and he wanted the same for me.

The plane ride was slow and very boring, I had never traveled much before, thankfully I'd made some preparations in the form of a book to keep me amused, I'd picked up a book a couple months ago with every intention of reading it only now realising I could have lived without it. The main character being over dramatic and damsel in distress. sigh.

Soon enough the treacherous journey to a foreign place was here as I hurried my stiff body off the plane. My mother had told me Carlisle a very close friend of my fathers who i vaguely remember from when i was younger would be waiting outside the front entrance. He was kind enough to allow me to stay in a cottage he owned not to far from his home.

Finally making it through all the formalities an airport has to offer I made it to the front entrance. I felt myself start to panic, good ole anxiety rearing its ugly head. This new place with new smells overwhelmed my senses.

"Lily" a voice tinged with familiarity called my name.

Smiling toward the amber eyed blonde i was instantly met with a pair of arms embracing me.

"You've grown so much bambino" he smirked using a nickname I hadn't heard since I'd been around 8 years old.

"I'm sorry" he cleared his throat stepping back out of my space " you probably don't remember me" he shook his head feeling slight silly

"No, carlisle i do remember you, of course I do" i smiled nodding

"Great, I'm so happy you decided to visit. The family is looking forward to finally meet you" he grazed forward taking my suitcase from me "it's been so long bambino"

"Thank you" i muttered following his graceful footsteps

"Tonight I will drive you to the cottage so you can settle in and rest" he stopped next to a very expensive black sleek car opening the boot "I have all our numbers pinned to the fridge so if you need anything in the meantime" he slammed the boot spinning around to me "don't hesitate"

A whole new world. Jacob Black love story.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن