A whole new world. Jacob Black love story. Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's a bittersweet situation we've all once found ourselves in, the moment you get to an important point of your dreams and something stirs you awake, why the hell does that happen?

Shrugging the covers off my body sitting up sluggishly. I had to admit that sleep felt really good, even on this sofa. I felt almost refreshed, almost. No amount of sleep would be enough for me.

Rubbing my hands through my hair my mind registered the annoying sound of my ringtone, it must've been what had disrupted my beautiful sleep. Looking around my eyes spotted where I'd left my handbag the previous day.

Huffing i stood up hearing a few bones cracking and strode over knowing it'd probably be mum checking i arrived safely, i forgot to call last night. oops.

"Hello" my voice horse with twinkles of sleep still very much evident

"Sweetie" the delicate voice of my mum greeted my ears "I'm guessing you arrived safely?" she mused

"I'm sorry mum, I fell asleep not long after I got here" I yawned "the flight wasn't to bad and as soon as we landed I found Carlisle"

"It's okay honey, Carlisle called me to let me know. How was he?"

"Not aged" I laughed limbering my still sleeping body "we didn't talk much, just small talk, he took me straight to the cottage so i could settle" i moved towards the sofa kicking my feet up resting them on the coffee table in front of me,

"Yes, he's always been considerate like your father" her motherly tone slipped through the speaker

"Yeah, there pretty similar huh"

"Yes" she sighed "they grew up together- you sure your going to be okay?"

"Completely" I shrugged to no one "I'm going to get better mum, i'm going to try, for you, for dad, for Benji"

"For yourself sweetie" she sniffed "i miss you but i'm so proud"

"Mum" i whimpered slightly hearing the slight sniffs of quiet tears

"I'm okay, i'm okay" she chuckled "these years have been hard on us but finally there starting to look up lils and when you come home we can w-we can start again sweetie"

I knew she meant more than start over and move on from my dad's passing. We could start over, me and mum. Become closer, even closer than before this happened.

"That sounds great mum" I paused "do you think the Cullens will like me?

"Lily, please. They will love you, i promise" -

"You have to say that" I laughed

"They all knew your father lils-"

"They did?" I asked

"Ay-ye most of them" she coughed "when they were younger of course- what i'm trying to say is, your like me in many ways but in most ways you absolutely take after your dad, they will love you just as they did him"

"O-okay if you say so" I could only hope they would take to me. The Cullen's were important to my father so they were important to me and the thought of them not liking me wasn't one I wanted to think about much.

"I'm only a call away, try to focus on you" My mother's voice clearly ordered "I'll let you start your day, have fun but be careful"

"I will mum, i love you"

"I love you, be safe" she sniffed


"I'm fine, I'm good" she laughed sobbing "now get your day started you have a lot of adventures ahead, love you sweetie"

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