Author's Note

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This is my first teen fiction story ever. I became interested in the genre from looking at what my teenage daughter likes to read. I am trying to update this book and my other, The Shadow of a Rogue on at least a weekly basis. However, don't despair if things get sporadic, family life comes first for me, I also am a Senior in college, which comes with its own list of demands. 

I dedicate all my stories to my fans and to my family. I could not do it without either group cheering me on. 

Note: Do not copy, distribute or otherwise infringe upon my copyright on any of my stories without my express permission unless it is credited back to my Wattpad account. 

[March 23, 2016]: Posted Chapter 1

[April 6, 2016] Created Author's Note. Hopefully Chapter 2 sometime today.

[April 28, 2016] Chapter 2 and 3 published.

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