Chapter 3

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Kira felt every jealous look that fell on her as they sat in a booth at the Whataburger right off the interstate. She felt giddy with superiority. She was on a date with the most popular, most attractive guy in the whole school and she felt GREAT. Not only was he good looking, he also was extremely intelligent she had discovered this as they sat talking about school and then things like art and history. Kira was used to putting on training wheels when having a conversation with most people, they just weren't into most of the stuff she was, like classical art pieces and medieval history. But Ezra was different, he held his own on every subject she brought up. 

He had picked her up at 6 as promised and they had went and watched the newest comedy out at the movie theater, she honestly didn't remember most of it, because five minutes after they sat down, Ezra took her hand in his and she sat there reveling in the sensation of his hand touching hers the whole movie. Afterwards they headed towards the Whataburger that was the hot spot for the teenage population of the town. Kira was amazed by this, you only went to the restaurant if you wanted everyone to know who you were out with. She still half expected people to pop out and say it was all a prank or one of those surprise TV shows. 

"Kira, I have had a great time with you tonight." Ezra said warmly as she finished up her fries. 

"Me too, I mean, I am still amazed you asked me out." she stuttered, saying more than she meant to. 

"Wha-aat? You're beautiful." he said, seeming genuinely surprised.

Kira blushed yet again as she lost herself in his eyes. "Well most people think I'm rather plain, brown hair, brown eyes, skin that's too fair. Too tall for a girl, no curves, etcetera."

His eyes filled with emerald fire as he stared at her. His hand reached out and touched her hair across the table, "Your hair is like fine spun caramel, soft, inviting, I can't tell you how many times I sat behind you in Algebra and ached to run my fingers through it." his voice turned husky as he continued, "I dreamed about your lips all week, so pink and full, I kicked myself over and over for not just kissing you that day in class." his finger strayed to her mouth, caressing her bottom lip for a second, leaving it tingling. 

Kira sucked in a long breath at his words. They stared silently at one another until he moved to get up. "Well I promised I would have you home by ten, we better get moving if I am to keep that promise." 

"Yeah." Kira said sluggishly, feeling like she had just woken up from a deep sleep, her lip still tingling from his touch. 

They left the restaurant and drove towards Kira's house. Ezra pulled to the curb a couple of houses down and turned to Kira, unbuckling his seat belt. 

"Kira, I have a favor to ask you." he said. She looked at him expectantly and he continued. "I know this is just our first date, but I have dreamed of kissing you all week, I want your permission though." Kira's face burned as she nodded, pleasure already pooling in her belly. 

Ezra took her shoulders firmly in his strong hands and leaned in to touch her mouth with his. The sensation was shocking to Kira,  it burned. She felt no pain at the contact, more like the hearty tingle a jalapeno leaves on your lips. Ezra moved his hands up to cup her cheek and caress her neck as he deepened the kiss, parting her lips effortlessly to admit his tongue. He tasted divine to Kira, she actually felt like she was getting drunk off his very essence. Her hands clung to his taut shoulders helplessly as he groaned and kissed her more deeply still. She felt dizzy and tingly all over, her neck and cheek burned pleasantly where his hand caressed her. 

Suddenly a feeling of wrongness washed over her, sobering her up. Her mind was rebelling against the feelings of pleasure Ezra was eliciting. Her eyes snapped open as a feeling of pure revulsion slammed through her, it was like eating a heavenly meal only to be overcome with nausea halfway through. A growl rumbled deep in her throat as she felt danger instinctively. Ezra pulled back and stared at her, panting a little bit from his exertion. She could smell something terrible nearby, like rotting garbage, she sniffed delicately and shook her head in an effort to rid herself of the odor. 

"Kira, are you okay? Kira look at me." Ezra pleaded.  She snarled as his face moved into her line of sight, baring her teeth in an age old warning. "Kira please, look at me and say you're okay." Ezra said, his face white against the darkness. He let out a breath as her eyes met his and she relaxed, coming out of her strange state of paranoia. 

"Ezra, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened, maybe I'm coming down with, I don't know, the flu or something." she said sheepishly, realizing the ridiculousness of the explanation only after she had said it. 

Ezra's lips twisted into a wry smile. "It's okay, I think we both almost got a little carried away, perhaps your brain was just reminding us to take it slow." 

"Well I guess I'll see you later then." she said sadly, sure that after her weirdness, he would want nothing further out of her. She grabbed for the door handle, ready to bolt out into the night and hide her shame when his hand grabbed her shoulder. 

"Now wait just a minute, don't I get a goodnight kiss? After all I may have been exposed to one of the strangest influenza strains I've ever seen." She turned to him in surprise as his mouth took advantage of her parted lips. He sank into her again as she became drunk on his honeyed essence. He tore his mouth away from hers a few minutes later, causing her to whimper with the loss of him. He sat her up straight and with a forced laugh shook her hand heartily. "Okay, now you have to go into your house or I may forget what a gentleman I am trying to be tonight."

Kira blinked in a stupor for a second before nodding, "Yes I do need to go in, I had a great time."

"Biggest understatement of all time." he laughed hoarsely. 

"I'll call you tomorrow Kira, maybe we can go get ice cream or go for a walk."

She nodded in delight, happy he wanted to see her again. She wanted to dance the whole way up the sidewalk to her house, she let herself do a little boogie when she reached her bedroom and shut the door. Flopping noisily onto her bed, she played the night over and over in her head. It had all been so perfect except for her weird reaction to her first kiss. She tried not to think about it though, choosing to focus on the feelings he had ignited in her and all the sweet, sweet words and compliments he had showered on her throughout their date. She wondered if she also had finally scored her first boyfriend. Her stomach butterflied at the thought. Things were looking up for this orphan. 

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