Chapter Two

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Kira swept her light brown hair out of her eyes for the umpteenth time in an hour. God she hated P.E. Jogging and playing games wasn't so bad, but this school had a coach who took his job as physical educator seriously, it was exercises, every period for the whole time. It had only been a week since school started and Kira already hurt in muscles she didn't know she had. Coach Sangh insisted they do their best in his class too, slacking off or unapproved resting was not allowed.  

The bell rang right as she came up from what felt like her hundredth toe touch of the day. Rushing with the crowd to grab her stuff, she didn't see the person in front of her and barreled right into them, knocking both her and her victim sprawling to the floor. Expecting a hard floor coming up to meet her sore body, she was slightly surprised when she landed on something more yielding instead. She heard an "oof" from underneath her and knew she had just landed on the person she ran into. Opening her eyes, which had closed reflexively when she fell, she saw the same boy from her first day underneath her, Ezra Morgan.

Kira's face colored immediately upon realizing who she landed on, he had been in her dreams and fantasies more than once in the past week. She had replayed their last meeting over and over in her mind, fantasizing about his sharp green eyes and perfectly shaped lips, pressed to hers. It seemed almost cruel that someone as prone as she was to blushing should end up with a flaming face twice in a week in front of her crush. She grew even more crimson when she realized her chest was mashed against his and their legs entangled. Every part of her that was touching him tingled in a very disconcerting way, coalescing in a warmth in the pit of her stomach. 

She mentally searched for the wherewithal to control her suddenly flaccid arms as Ezra looked up at her with a bemused look on his handsome features. A small crowd of people had formed around them, a few asking if they were okay, Kira nodded at them and began to push herself into a sitting position and roll off of him at the same time. Suddenly his strong arms snaked around her middle and pulled her in tighter, mashing her breasts against the hardness of his chest and making the thrum in her stomach crescendo. 

"Where are you going Kira? You know I kind of like this." he teased. He sat them both up and Kira's head felt like it might explode as she realized she was effectively straddling him now.  Some of the bystanders giggled at his words and they started to disperse. Pulling them both to their feet, he let go of her waist and stepped back, brushing off his clothes and running fingers through his mussed hair. Kira did the same, sort of wishing she could crawl in a hole somewhere, but also realizing she would definitely have more ammunition for her fantasy world now. 

Ezra took her hand and Kira, startled, looked down at her feet, too shy to look him in the eye after the intimate contact, accidental though it was. 

"Hey." he said warmly. She muttered something unintelligible which vaguely sounded like "Sorry, hey."

"Look at me Kira." he said as he cupped her chin and raised her face to look at him. She stared into his deep green eyes as his mouth formed words that she never expected and left her gasping for response. 

"Will you go out with me this Friday? I have my own ride and we could go catch a movie or something."

She felt lost in his eyes as she struggled to respond in a natural way. She wanted to throw her arms around him and scream, "Hell yes, you don't even have to ask." Instead she mumbled out a, "Yes, that would be nice." Her brain felt sluggish and her mouth full of cotton while his eyes were on hers. He was so gorgeous she was half afraid she would melt from being in the area of his beauty. 

He smiled with perfectly white teeth that made a brilliant contrast to his tan skin. "It's a date then, I'll pick you up at 6 on Friday. You know I didn't mean for this to be so abrupt, but I have had a thing for you all week you know, after we bumped noses the first day. And now, since we "ran into" one another again, I wasn't going to pass up the chance."

Kira looked at him incredulously, he had a thing for HER after that? She just spent the last week willing to cut off an appendage for another shot at kissing those lips. She felt a frisson of pleasure tingle up her spine at the very thought of a good night kiss on Friday. She mentally steeled herself, tore her eyes away from his and instead looked at his nose as she said, "I am looking forward to our date, thank you for asking me." She felt like a fool after she said it, she probably sounded like an eighth grader going to Homecoming. 

He gave her another stunning smile that slightly crinkled the corners of his eyes as he dipped his head in acquiescence and strode off. 

Kira jumped around in pure bliss for a few minutes as what had just happened settled in to her brain. She had a date with Ezra Morgan! He was lusted after by most of the girls in the school after being there just a week. Kira clutched her books to her chest as she walked to her bus, feeling like she was truly walking on clouds. 

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