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Ambrosia should have expected that it would be crowded

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Ambrosia should have expected that it would be crowded. It was a floor party after all, which meant that people within the dorm would have invited friends from on and off campus. Which meant that Cherry would have likely done the same. He pushed that thought out of his mind, not quite sure why it made his stomach churn and ambled his way through the party.

Drinks were decidedly not an option, considering the RA and the tightened campus security in the last few days. Something about students going missing, and suddenly everyone was up in arms. He supposed it was really just to keep up the good name of the school, but maybe that was just recycling the thoughts of many.

How did he even get to that train of thought?

Someone pressed a cup into his empty hand and when he looked up to see who it might have been, his gaze fell on Cherry. Radiant in the fluorescent light, he couldn't help but stare at her for a moment longer than might have been comfortable without speaking.

"You made it," she greeted, a grin stretched over her face.

"Yeah, uh, I did," he offered, lifting his shoulders in a shrug, "I kinda lost Nat along the way."

"S'all good; she's probably just talking to someone," Cherry replied, "You'll see her around, I think."

Nat was the more sociable of the two of them, so it would make sense if she had gotten drawn into a conversation with someone. He nodded, accepting this fact. Ambrosia dropped his gaze to his cup, eying the red liquid sloshing around in it.

"It's punch; unspiked as of yet," Cherry informed him.

"Okay, rad, cool," was all could think of in reply.

They stood awkwardly there for a moment longer before Cherry was called away to deal with an ice situation. This left Ambrosia by himself in the hallway, sipping idly at his drink and with his back against the wall. His gaze swept over the throngs of people that littered the hallways and spilled into dorm rooms. Some doors remained firmly shut while others opened up frequently, and some still were left wide open.

He wondered how they'd gotten permission to do any of this, and how their RA was going to be taking it. He could understand the allowance of a small gathering, but this was in no way small. He slid out of the way as much larger guys passed him by, chortling loudly and hitting on anything that moved as they went. Ambrosia couldn't peg them down entirely as frat boys, considering the few that he had met were not of the stereotypical sort.

A rough hand on his shoulders jolted him from his observations and making him snap his head upwards to see who it might be. He was greeting by one of the same burly guys that had passed by him, a grin on his lips.

"Dude," he drawled.

"Dude," Ambrosia replied, momentarily confused.

"So, you know Cherry?"

"Yes, I guess."

"Oh, wait, are you that dude that's always cooking up here? I totally thought you were one of the girls."

Cherry, That GirlWhere stories live. Discover now