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"Have you ever worn lipstick?"

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"Have you ever worn lipstick?"

Ambrosia turned, brows raised as he looked over at Cherry. Lounging across several chairs at the table, she posed the question with a curious glint in her eyes. This coming from the girl who had a habit of smearing her lipstick on him whenever she got the chance. A beat passed before he shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess," he replied, "My sisters liked to play dress up."

"You never told me you had sisters. How many?"

"Two; I'm a middle child."

"So you were left to hold your own in a fort of filled with girls, huh?"

"Sorta? I didn't really mind."

"Okay, and you know that lip gloss is different from lipstick, right?"

Ambrosia was quite positive he knew the difference. They tasted different when he kissed Cherry, that was for sure.

He glanced back at her again, putting a top over the pot of soup he was cooking. The weather outside was dreary and gray, a stark contrast to the bright presence of Cherry and the radiant smile that touched her face. She got up and crossed the kitchen to his side. A giggle passed her lips as she pulled him out of the kitchen, barely giving him time to turn the stove off under the soup.

He let himself be dragged away to Cherry's room. She sat him down on the bed and went looking for something on her dresser while he looked around the room. Plastered over the walls were posters of various kinds, mostly that of athletes and singers. The beige of the walls was hidden by decorative tape and paper that he was sure would be a hassle to remove. Her closet was flung open, clothing sitting at the base of it. The drawers below were just barely open, arms and legs of shirts and pants keeping them from closing completely. A comment the state of her room died on his lips as she turned to face him with a grin.

The tube of lipstick in her hand was a dark shade of purple that he'd seen her wear once. He could guess what she wanted to do with it now.

"Cherry," he warned, "That's not my shade."

"Everything's your shade, Cherry stated with an air of authority.

She pounced and he had little to defend himself with. Straddling his waist, she used her free hand to hold his arms above him. Ambrosia had been subject to being manhandled by Cherry before, and had already known this would be a losing battle with how much stronger than him she was. All those hours she said she spent working out were clearly paying off if she was keeping him down now.

Ambrosia resisted for a moment longer, panting lightly as he struggled. He sighed, giving up after only a minute as Cherry looked down at him with raised brows. Her wolfish grin was still plastered over her lips as she offered him, "good boy," before uncapping the tube of lipstick. Gaze locked on her, he watched as she coated his lips with the lipstick before leaning back to inspect her handiwork.

Cherry, That GirlWhere stories live. Discover now