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Despite all he had thought, Ambrosia couldn't shake the idea of what Jake had said. It was unfair, in his opinion, that he should be plagued by it, but here he was still thinking about their talk. He was sure that he'd been staring down at the same sentence in his textbook for the past thirty minutes, the words replacing themselves with either Cherry's name or the single word mermaid. He really needed to get that out of his head.

He rubbed his hands over his face, blinked a little harder than necessary several times, but nothing was really getting him to focus. He was tempted to give up entirely on the idea of studying, the images on the page winking at him before morphing into some form of Cherry. It definitely didn't help that he was studying fish, of all things, at this given moment.

Cherry as a mermaid didn't actually sound too bad, if he were to take away the whole thing about flesh-eating. If the representation from Pirates of the Caribbean were any indication, they were supposed to be beautiful enough to lead men astray. Or was it just their singing voices? Either way, it led to another series of thoughts that were not in any way related to studying.

He was no stranger to thoughts like these, of course. Not after the lipstick debacle. He could hardly look at Nat opening her own tubes of lip gloss without taking a stroll down memory lane long enough to leave him red in the face. Just a daydream of Cherry's fingers on his skin left him dizzy, and this was no better. He'd memorized her presence enough that he could call it up now, a near tangible hallucination fueled by hormones and problematic thoughts.

Ambrosia's fingers fumbled with his zipper, a struggle to free himself from the abrasive denim of his jeans. Just the smallest part of him felt a tickle of shame for even thinking about her while doing this, but the image of her was much stronger than that shame. Her voice was there in his ear, telling him that she didn't mind it. He could see the indulgent smile over the curve of her lips, her smaller hand over his. His breath was shaky as he slid his hands into the white fabric of his briefs.

God help him if he didn't think about what she would say at seeing the fact that he still wore briefs. His ears burned with her laughter, sweet and soft. His neck rose with her dismissing whispers, a comment on how she thought it was cute. His daydream pressed a kiss by his ear before murmuring encouragements for him to keep going.

It was a whole new experience with Cherry in his head. It was like he was twelve again, except he wasn't awkwardly clutching his own dick trying to figure out what worked. Instead, he had the phantom image of Cherry—in the heat of the moment, she was his Cherry. Not the Cherry he could send a random dude at a party to—sliding her hands over his thighs and positioning herself between his legs. The same fantasy-Cherry pulled back his briefs to expose the palest part of him, other than his aforementioned thighs.

He wasn't going to wax-poetic about the trail of butterfly kisses she left along his shaft, mind numbing with the imagined sensation. The warmth of his hand likely did no justice to her mouth, the only one of her features that he'd been fixated on. His mind was kind enough not to think of what else she could have done with her mouth to him, just the barest tease of those ideas running off to the recesses of his fantasy.

Breath hitched and hips rocking, his head lulled back. His eyelids flickered open and closed, lips parted just so. He was thanking every deity he could think of through the cloud of pleasure in his mind. Each stroke made the muscles in his thighs twitch, pulling them taut as he drew closer to the edge of bliss. Moans bubbled up his throat, quickly hushed by his hand over his mouth.

He was spurred on by the image of his cum drizzling down her chin, splattered over her chest. He could see the creamy white offset on the copper tones of her breasts. The soft shape of her swollen lips formed a pleased "Oh" as she jerked back slightly. His own mouth let loose a string of profanity, mostly modeling some sort of praise for his fantasy-Cherry.

Cherry, That GirlWhere stories live. Discover now