chapter 1-

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Cameron's POV-

Bart called all of the guys for a meeting about something and I have no idea what it's about. You never know. It's bart we are talking about.  I walk into the meeting room and everyone is already there. Oops looks like I'm late 😇 sorry not sorry. "alright! Now that every one is here we can get started. Might as well just get straight to the point. We are all going to Oklahoma and meeting the new members of the group! And guess what? Plot twist they are of the female gender!" Bart says "sweet! Are they hot????" Carter screams with a big smile on his face and matt smacks him in the stoumach. "Ow man! What was that for?" Carter screams once again "you know what" Matt says like a angry mom 😂.

Peyton's POV-

All my friends are coming today to help with the house work. They all finished their chores for the day and because my house has the biggest farm with the most animals and fields to care for they do this on a daily basis. I really hope that the magcon boys don't mind having every two people sharing a room. They are staying for the weak after all. I look over and see a big rusty pick up truck with people jammed inside and then the rest in the back. 😂 lol. Those are my friends for ya. I go on my tippy toes and stretch my arm out as much as I can to wave so they know I'm in the horse barn. First Dominick gets out of the driving seat. Dom is very tall. And very built. He has brown eyes, and blonde hair and wears contacts most of the time. Then Robert gets out of the passenger side seat. Robert is tall but has kinda skinny arms. He has blue eyes and dark as night colored hair. Then Caty, Erin and chevelle get out of the back. Caty has straight blonde hair and blue eyes, so does erin. Chevelle has long pin straight brown hair with hazel eyes. Oh, and I have curly blonde hair and green eyes. They all Sprint over to the horse barn and when Caty gets there she gets this big smile on her face. Oh god. Next thing I know she kicks up the water from the muddy puddle right next to me and I'm dripping wet with mud water. But unfortunately for her I was prepared this time. Yeah this happens alot. I had a stack of loaded water guns in the stocks. I ran over got all of the water guns and got on the fore wheeler. I turn it on and start driving while Dom jumped on the back of the moving vehicle grabs the water guns and starts shooting the rest of our friends when they run out he throws them on the ground and I keep driving so while we are far enough away he makes me stop. "Hey hold on a sec!" Dom screams over the running motor "what's up?" "If we are going to keep going out this on." He hands me a helmet "whyyyyyyy?????" I whine "because if we fall you are gonna get hurt." He answered "fine but you have to wear one to." I say smiling at him "I was planning on it" he said giggling under his breath "are you saying I'm a bad driver???" I said getting back on the fore wheeler "welllllll" he says in a high pitched voice "just hang on tight!" I scream over the running motor "k!" Is all I heard him say. I take off full speed and we are flying through the puddles. I stop by the rest of our friends and say "guys there are dirt bikes and stuff in the shed if you wanna ride" "k! Well meat up with you!" They all say and I take off again. A few seconds later they all come riding along on the dirt bikes as fast as lightning. We where riding around like that for a couple of minutes and then this big bus with tinted windows came rolling up my driveway "hey P what's that?" Dom screams "I don't know..... OH CRAP! Those boys are coming today!!!!!" I said with wide eyes. "What boys?!?!" Dom said like a overly protective brother "me and the girls are leaving for tour in a weak from today!" I said and I rode over to the bus and Dom wakes his hands to the others getting their attention. All the magcon boys. Or what I think are the magcon boys, get out of the bus and gather around the muddy mess that is me and my friends. We all get off and take off our ridding gloves and our helmets that covered our entire faces. I put my stuff down and smile at Bart. I've only met Bart over face time once before just to talk over plans. "Hey bart. Sorry we are such a mess. We might have kinda forgotten that you guys where coming today. We where just finishing up my chores if you wanted to go inside?" I said and just as I finish Robert spoke up "um peyton? What about bear?" Just as he said bears name I go blank. Bear is my very violent very big cattle chasing dog. He literally has killed a deer before. "Um. I don't know. What do we do?" I ask "um what's bear?" One of the magcon boys asked. "Oh right. Bear is my very non people happy dog." "Yeah! I wouldn't wanna go near that thing even when it's sleeping. It has killed deers before. And bit Peyton's dad's finger right off. He still doesn't have a finger!" Erin said "okay I've got an idea. We have to get him out of the house before they go in so we will get him out and I will put the mussel on him." I said the last parts a little quietly knowing that that was how my dad's finger got bitten off. "Are you sure?" Chevelle asked "yeah. It will be okay. I hope" I say with a smile. The fakest smile in my life  "Hey it's just a dog. The boys can handle it." Bart said "no! That is the stupidest thing I've ever hear in my entire life. It does not matter who you are, this dog isn't just a dog it is a wild animal that kills and bites. No offense but no one can handle this dog." Dominick says. But it's true bear is named bear because he is violent... We all walk up to the house Dominick gets the phone and dials 9-1- and if we need him to he will finish that. I grab the muzzle and Robert gets ready to scream. The rest are waiting at the door but have a big gap for when bear and Robert come out. I'm waiting in that gap. "Alright Robert!" I yell and the magcon boys are waiting to start laughing about how non-violent this dog is. But they are about to be proven wrong. "HEY BEAR! CATTLE TIME!!" I can hear Robert scream and soon after he is screaming running out of the house. A couple of seconds bear comes running out and the second he sees the muzzle he growls at it "hey Peyton maybe this isn't such a good idea." Caty says. "I know it's not a good idea. But it's either this or we all sleep outside." I said with my eyes fixed on bears. Bear comes charging at me and I jump out of the way and get behind him with my legs on both sides of him. I fix the muzzle and shove it on his face as best as I could and clipped it. While I was doing it bear got me. And he got me good. All I see is blood all over my hand and some flesh hanging on the side. I still had all my fingers, so that's good. But it hurt. Bad. Bear came charging back at me and one of the magcon boys ran and grabbed me and got both of us out of the way. This boy was VERY attractive and had HUGE muscles. I look over and saw Dom and Robert going after bear and putting him in the kennel. I look back up at the boy that was holding me bridle stile and smile. "Thanks. He probably would have gotten me alot worse that time if it wasn't for you." He sets me down and says "no problem beautiful" I feel almost instant heat coming to my cheeks. "Yeah nice  job Cam!" One of the other boys said while smacking 'cams' arm I look back at cam and smile while sticking my hand out "I'm Peyton. And I'm guessing your Cam?" "Oh uh yeah it's short for cameron but cam works for me" cameron said shaking my hand "we should probably go take care of that." He said while rubbing the back of his neck with one hand and pointing at my bloody hand with the other "oh yeah...."

Magcon and the country kidsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें