chapter 3-

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(Btw that girl in the picture is what I imagine Peyton looks like)

Peytons POV-

~Next morning~

Yesterday's win felt awesome. Dominick and shawn lost terribly and me and cameron came out as dry as the Sahara desert. Lol. I'm funny. Me and the girls decided to do a little research on the boys last night and jack and jacks songs are awesome. So this morning me and the girls got up nice and early and ran to the dollar store. We bought a while bunch of animal stuff and put it on. All of the boys are still sleeping so I starting screaming the song wild life. While banging pans together of course 😎 the second Caty and erin start banging pans you can hear the boys running down the stairs i was hiding behind the couch and I had my tiger mask on. Chevelle ran and started the song and by then the boys where already down stairs staring at us with the "wtf are you doing look" "Oh god" gilinsky said looking at johnson the second the music starts and the rest of the boys are ready to murder someone for waking them up this early in the morning. I'm mean, it was like 4:00 o'clock in the morning. Sooooo...
Any way. Chevelle had cat ears and the other 2 girls had a nose and whiskers on. I came jumping over the couch and started screaming the words to the song as Caty and Erin started banging even louder "there is no way she can say it as fast as the actual song." Johnson said with a smirk on his face. "You'd be surprised." Robert said while yawning

"Yeah, no telling what I might do when im in the right mood, you know me! All up in the party like a vip, and everything is looking better from my POV now turn no animals, we don't sleep, and ill probably forget you selo Greene I'm sweating like the Amazon 100 degrees and the back drops bigger than a family tree! Now drop that thing like fumble, yeah your talking to the king of the jungle. And we've got lions, tigers bears, oh my! And every single ones turned up yo! I don't want anybody turning the vibes down, so if you wanna wind down oh look what I found. A little something that will keep you awake until the break of dawn so don't be afraid to get rowdy!" I run over (and by now that mask is off) and grab johnson and gilinsky while Caty and Erin are singing the chorus, I say "come on guys we are trying to have a concert here! At least seam a little bit interested!" And about a minute later we where done and I got up on my imaginary stage and said."that song goes out to our newly found friends jack and jack who have a very wild life" when I finish Caty makes a dun dun shh sound with the pans. Lol. "Can we leave now?" Shawn asks "bad choice. Looks like you just reminded them of something" Robert said "nope not yet. Especially not you shawn." I said with a smirk. "Our next song goes out to shawn! And we need you" I said into my pretend microphone "btw we memorized all or your guy's songs including Cameron's so your next." Erin said proudly. "And because the rest of us sound like dying goats peyton gets to sing!" "Well it's not that I don't not sound like a dying goat cuz I do, but I'm the only one with enough guts to make a fool of you guys." 😇 -after singing all of the songs.- "okay the main reasoning behind that was because we wanted pancakes and one of you now have to be awake enough to actually make them" 😝 I said and I swear to god nash looked like he was about to stab someone "you could have just asked for help instead of making us sit hear and watch." Shawn said. "But that is no fun" I said as innocently as I possibly can "I will help you make the pancakes and everyone else can go back to bed." Dominick said "thanks Dom" "yeah no problem"

Dom's POV-

I think I might have a crush on my child hood friend. Peyton is just so full of life and I just can't get enough. Ugh. My heart hurts when I think about her and all I do is smile like an idiot. "I will help you make the pancakes and every one else can go back to bed" I said. I really just wanted some alone time with her. I know cameron likes her and I really wanna make the first move. This is the perfect chance. "Thanks dom" she said. She always looks you straight in the eye when she talks to you. And her voice is just so sexy. My brain is telling me no, but my little friend down there is telling me yes. "No problem" was all I managed to choke out as everyone else left the room to go back to sleep. Peyton I went into the kitchen, I got the frying pan out and she was trying to reach for the pancake mix, which was obviously way to high up for her. I go behind her and press up against her body and grab the mix for her. I know she knows that my friend down their is excited because I felt it rubbing against the top of her ass. She turns around with bright red cheeks and say "thanks Dom." We both are staring into each others eyes and I start to lean in as if I was going to go kiss her. And she was gonna let me. I move past her lips and whisper into her ear, "your so hot that if we do anything we will be doing a little more than just anything" "o-okay" was all she could manage to say.

Peytons POV-

Dominick must have noticed that I was having trouble reaching the pancake mix because he comes up behind me and reaches up to get it for me. While he was doing that I could feel his package up against my body and it was more than average. Like God Damn. I'm pretty sure he was doing it on purpose just to turn me on, and let me tell you. It was working. He grabs it for me and I turn around. "Thanks Dom" I said. I don't like dom like that. But I stared into his eye any way. Why? I have no idea. Maybe I was caught up in the moment, but I know for a fact that is when I stare into his eyes he loves it. He told me not to do it for that reason. Dom started to lean in and I was totally going to let home kiss me. But instead, he swerved over and whispered into my ear "your so hot that if we do anything we will be doing a little more than just anything" I was so surprised at the fact that he totally just cock blocked me that all I managed to say was "o-okay" we ended up making pancakes in silence. I went upstairs and into Cameron's and Nash's room and wake cameron up. I shook him a little and he fluttered his eyes open "Peyton?" He said and rubbed his eyes. All I could do was giggle. He was so cute. I think I'm falling for him. Hard. "You better get nash and hurry downstairs, I woke you up first because I had a feeling if I woke the others that all the pancakes would be gone by the time you get down there" I said smiling at him "thanks princess" he said "princess?" I asked. I knew I was blushing. But I couldn't help it! I liked it when he called me that. "Yup. Your my princess" he answered. I smiled, got off of his bed and Walked over the door. Before I left I said "meet you downstairs" and I left. Being the tease that I am

Cameron's POV-

"Yup. Your my princess" I said. Peyton smiles at me and then gets up. She walked over to the door, and right before she left she stopped and said "meet you downstairs" and then walked out. Well shit. I think the nickname princess works well with her. 😎 I got up and didn't even bother to take a shower. I got dressed in some Khaki pants and my obey t-shirt. I jogged down the stairs and walked up behind Peyton and whispered into her ear noting that Dominick was in the shower and we where alone "morning baby" she giggles and said "morning! Want pancakes?" "Yes please" I said realising I probably sounded like a child. She got up and grabbed a plate, and put some pancakes and poured some syrup on them, she puts a fork on the plate and slides it in front of me. Then she sits back down and continues to eat her pancakes. Realising that I have been staring at her perfection for a while now, she looks up at me and says "what? Do I have food on my face?" She asked embarrassed "oh, no! I was just thinking about how beautiful you are" I said looking down while rubbing the back of my neck. I tend to do that more when I get nervous. She gets up, puts her plate in the dishwasher and Walked back over to me, she goes behind me and raps her arms around my torso and rests her chin on my shoulder "thanks babe" she said while running her fingers up and down my abs. I can't help but letting out a grunting sound because she was turning me on so much right now. I got up and spun around, and pushed her up to the bathroom door. Thank god Dominick was in his own bathroom taking a shower. I pushed my lips into hers, and we where moving in sink in no time. I felt fireworks erupt almost immediately in my stomach. I know if we keep going we would be doing more than just kissing. I let go to get a breath but I keep my forehead to hers so our lips are less than an inch apart. "You wanna go out to lunch with me, as in a date?" I asked "ya-huh" she answered while still trying to catch her breath. "Okay, well then be ready by one. Casual works" I said smirking at the fact that she was still struggling to catch her breath "mhm" was all she could manage to say.

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