chapter 4-

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Peyton's POV-

Omg. Cameron is perfect. We pull into the best restaurant in the world. McDonald's. A girl couldn't ask for more. "Omg your the best" I said laughing when we got out of the car. Cam holds his hand out and asks "shall we?" I smile, grab his hand and say "we shall" we get inside and we both get cheeseburgers and sprites. While we where eating our food, shawn shows up with is guitar, And starts serenading us with his song 'this is what it takes' and when he finishes he says "complementary dishes and a musician. Wow. Professional" and then he leaves. When we finish our food we go walking in a park and it's just beautiful. The leaves are all different colors and there are benches, and the sun is shining through the trees. Cameron stops me at a really big old looking tree and we desire to carve our names in it. Cameron then turns to me and holds both of my hands and looks down at me and then says "okay. I like you. I like you a lot. Peyton. The feelings I feel for you hit me like a ton of bricks. And I like the way I feel around you. My hands get sweaty, my chest gets tight, and I get butterfly in my stomach. I like you a lot Peyton VanVechton. Will you be my girlfriend?" A big smile spreads across my face when he says the last sentence. "Yes. Yes I will" Cameron smiles back at me and gives me a kiss on the head and then hugs me with all of his might. "But I wanna take things slow, is that okay?" I asked. I didn't want to go to fast because, I'm afraid that if we go to fast there would be more sex then an actual relationship. I want a relationship with Cameron. I think I might be in love with him. I just don't want to drop that on him right now. "Yeah! Totally!" He answered with a big smile on his face. Out of no where my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket. And it's my manager. "Sorry cam it's my manager." I answered the phone.

~phone convo~

P- hello?
M- hello peyton, it seems you are holding up?
P- ya I'm doing good, but is it important? I'm kinda in the middle of something here.
M- oh right I decided that you and the girls are going to do a cover of birthday by Serena Gomez and shoot a video for it. Sense you know what's coming in just a week!
P- I know. Unfortunately
M- unfortunately??? Peyton it's your 18th birthday!!!
P- not a big birthday fan.
M- well you are now!
P- whatever. When and where?
M- in an hour, and at the studio
P- an hour?!?!
M- yes. Meet me there in an hour.
P- ill try my best, bye

And then I hung up annoyed at the fact that my manage, knowing my personal issues with my birthday makes me do a cover of a song about just that. Screw you to. I look back at Cameron and he asks "is every thing ok?" No it's not okay. "Yeah it's fine." I said which was a total lie. "But we should probably go. I have to do a cover video in an hour apparently." I said to him. "Yeah. Sure. Let's go" he said smiling, obviously knowing better that there was something wrong but was smart enough to not ask. We got in his car and he drove me back home where I met up with the rest of the girls who what were obviously pissed at the fact that our bitch of a manager is making me do this. "Hey p, you okay?" Caty asked. "I swear to god, one of these days I'm gonna kill that lady." Robert said. One of the girls must have told him the theme of this cover. "Why are you guys so mad?" Nash asked "we just have a idiot stupid manager who makes them do idiot stupid stuff, relating to a very sensitive topic to our friend." Chevelle answered. "We should probably get ready." I mumbled under my breath. "Wait! How about we all come with you guys!" Dominick said. "It would be nice and reassuring. Sure. Why not?" I said. And then jogged upstairs, with the rest of the girls. We all put of a t-shirt and some spandex, and then put our hair up in a pony tail so the makeup people can do their job. "ROBERT WHERE ARE MY SWEATPANTS?!?!" I yelled while jogging down stairs. "Well zayymmm girl!" Carter said staring at my butt. "Hey! Eyes are up here!" I said while flicking his forehead. "Here boo" Robert said handing me a pair of my sweatpants "thanks." I said and jogged back up stairs. When all of the girls where done getting ready we all piled into different cars and drove to the studio. When we got inside our manager squeezed my cheeks and said "OH HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY DARLING!" Why the Fuck would you say that? I can see that Carter was about to make some sort of comment and Dominick just told him no. In a very cautious matter by the fact that is was about to explode. Not out of anger. Out of sadness. On my birthday my dad left for Afghanistan, and exactly a year later, on my birthday men came knocking on our door just to tell me and my mom that my dad died in action. A couple months later my mom died in a car accident. And I've been on my own ever sense. I hate my birthday. None of anything that did happen would have happened if it wasn't for me. I look down at my feet and I keep a completely emotionless face as tears threaten to spill while I think about what happened. "Oh yes! Your the client who's dad left for the army on your birthday and then a year later, on your birthday, they told you he died in action. Hey, didn't your mom crash her car a couple of months after that and die to?" My bitch ass manager asked. I didn't know what to do. I slid down the wall and sat on the ground and just let the tears fall. I didn't show any signs of emotions on my face at all. I felt disgust towards myself. It was my date of birth that my dad left, it was my date of birth when he didn't come back. And because I wasn't enough happiness for my mom, she killed herself by crashing the car. Cameron sits next to me, doesn't say anything, but he sits me down on his lap and let's me cry into his chest "why does it hurt so bad cammy?" I asked him through the sobbing. "Because you've built up all this pain and now it's all coming out. Let it all come out. You will feel better after. I'm hear now, so just let it all out." He said to me while stroking my hair. The rest of the girls come over after screaming at the manager at said "we fired her. Don't worry we will find a new one." Erin said. "Why not you guys just be your own video managers?" Aaron asks "because we all totally suck at it."

~ a couple days later~

I haven't eaten in 2 days because I just feel so terrible. I barely leave my room and I drink water. That's about it.

Erins POV-

I gather all of the girls (except Peyton) and Cameron, Dominick, and Robert. "I think it's time we get him over here. She hasn't been eating." I said "I agree I have tried everything, except for force feeding, but I'm not doing that." Dominick said. "Yeah. I agree. She has even stopped contiguous of her room. It's time to give him a call." Chevelle said "agreed" Robert and Caty said. "Who the hell is 'he'?" Cameron said. We all totally forgot he was here and that he doesn't know much about the personal stuff of Peyton. "Umm, well Peyton has a older brother. He also went to Afghanistan but when he came back and their dad didn't he went to the funeral and didn't speak to Peyton and Peyton didn't speak to him. We having seen him sense then. He didn't even show for his mom's funeral. But he told us that if their is an absolute emergency that we can't deal with ourselves to call him. We never needed to call him until now. His name is Kyle. And he is also terrifying." I said to Cameron. "Well then call him already! If he can fix this it is time to get him over here! Bring on Kyle!" Cameron said "alrighty." We all walked into the living room where the rest of the guys where and I said "as we all know Peytons not doing to hot. We have come to our last resort. Plan Z. We have to get her brother who not any of us have seen in 3 years, when their dad passed away. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that his sister was feeling extremely guilty. He talked to me and Dominick only, but he only told us to call him in an emergency we can't fix ourselves." When I finished all the boys looked stunned "I'm gonna dial the number and put it on speaker phone now." Dominick said while scrolling through his contacts. *click* *buzz* *buzz*

Phone combo-

K- Dominick?
D-it's an emergency and we NEED you to come and fix it
K- what's happening?
D-its Peyton. She isn't eating or coming out of her room
K- ill be there in 3 hours and im staying for the week.
D-okay. Thank you so much!
K- yeah.

*beep beep beep*

"Okay. Now we wait." Dominick said.

~two hours and forty five minutes later~

*bang bang bang*

"Its Kyle!" I whispered and I opened the door. Kyle walks in and says "hey Erin, Caty, chevelle, dominick, Robert, annddd the rest of you?" "Cameron" "jack" " jack" "aaron" "Carter" "matt" "nash" "cool. I'm Kyle. Now where's my baby sister?" "Up here" I said and we walked to her room. I lightly knocked on her door and said "hey Peyton, someone wants to see you" "what?" And I opened the door more letting Kyle in "hey p" he said "k-Kyle?" She says "I heard you stopped eating so I came to help. Come on baby girl." Kyle says and picks her up bridle style and brings her downstairs. Peyton almost instantly started sobbing into his chest while he carried her. (Picture up top of what he looks like)

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