IV. chatting with a stranger

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omegle: Talk to strangers!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like one direction.

You: hi

You: can you please tell me i'm not the only one who wants to set myself on fire because of this long ass break?

Stranger: Hahahahaha

Stranger: I don't feel like setting myself on fire but yeah , this break is quite boring

You: i miss waking up to new pictures of them everyday

You: new vines of note changes, harry's vocals, and his failure on keeping his fond for louis from showing

Stranger: Aw , babe ..

Stranger: I'm sure the boys misses touring and seeing you all beautiful girls as well

You: that's sweet to say :)

You: thank you

You: that makes me want to set myself on fire lesser

Stranger: Hahahahahahha

Stranger: I'm really glad

You: i know it's barely an actual break because of all the shit they still have to go through

You: like, we still get to see louis and all

You: but i still need them back 😩😩

Stranger: What's important is they'll be back .

Stranger: Won't let you guys down ...

You: i guess you're right

You: i'm holding on to their promises

You: and i just hope all of them would enjoy their break, ya know?

You: like niall

You: God bless that boy

Stranger: Hahahahaha

Stranger: Yeah , he already had so much fun traveling

Stranger: Visiting great countries and all

You: i wanna live his life

You: why can't the rest of them be like him

You: ugh i love niall so much

You: who doesn't love niall

Stranger: I know , right !

Stranger: Hahaha just kidding

You: nah it's the truth

You: no one can not love that baby

You: i want to hug him so much

Stranger: Don't flatter him too much

You: he deserves it

You: he's the niall horan

Stranger: Lol , alright

You: anyway, back to the boys needing to be like him

You: he's such a drama free guy

You: niall girls are the luckiest

Stranger: I can agree ...

Stranger: I feel sorry for Louis' girls and the Larry's

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