Part 2: TyTy!

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I strip out of my clothes in the staircase and throw them in a bag. I shift and grab the bag in my teeth. Time for some fun.

I charge at the stairs, my Wolf enjoying the run and wanting some revenge.

I see my Mate, still being flanked by those skanks.

A growl rips from my throat and I look over at him. Everyone's staring closely at me.

"Jessica?" Blake questions. I nod my wolf head.

"B-but you're human!" He exclaims. I shake my head and pounce onto Clara's shoulder. I sink my wolf teeth into her and dart off into the forest.

I cross the borders into no-Man's land. I think that means it's for anyone's use. I close my eyes and realize I left my bag at the Pack house of Hell when I bit into Clara's shoulder. Crap. I run down the clearing of no-man's-land and I don't stop. Not when my feet hurt. Not when I'm hungry. Not when I'm tired. I just run. And run.


I've been running for days. I haven't stopped. I'm so exhausted that I don't realize what I'm crossing. I cross a Pack border. My slow jog drops down to a slow walk as my legs start to buckle beneath me.

I lay down in the wildflowers that grow on the ground. I rest my head on my paws. I'll just rest my eyes for a few minutes, then I'll get up and start running again. My eyes close and I fade out with the face of my mate in my mind.


I'm woken up by two strong hands, shaking me.

Oh no. My alarm must not have gone off. I'm late for work.

Last time I was late for work, Alpha Thomas hit me. I had bruised ribs for weeks and a broken nose. My body starts shaking and I stand up quickly.

"I'm sorry, Alpha Thomas. I'm sorry. My alarm didn't go off. I'm sorry. Don't hit me. Please. I'm so-" I finally open my eyes and see I'm not in the basement of the Pack house. I'm not in my creaky bed. I'm not surrounded by the Alpha.

I'm surrounded by strangers and I'm naked. In my human form. I must've shifted while I slept.

Someone throws a long shirt to me and I slip it over my head. It reaches my knees.

"Why are you here, Rogue?" A man asks. He's in his early 20's. Golden hair. Gold eyes.

"Um, I wasn't aware this was your territory. I'm sorry. I mean you know harm." I raise my hands in surrender. A growl rips from the throat of another man next to the first man.

"Tyler...Chill." The first man chides. He's the Alpha. I can feel it. The other man, Tyler, runs his fist threw his hair.

"State your business, Rogue." Tyler growls. Beta. He must be the Beta.

"I told you! I'm harmless! I'm just running from my old pack." I say quickly. Oh my God...No. I should've thought before I spoke! "Shit..." I mutter under my breath.

"Why? Why are you running? From who? Which Pack?" The Alpha fires off question after question.

"Well, I was the Omega and they all treated me like shit. 'Wash this' 'dust this' 'cook this'. Then, I found my mate and he fucking rejected me after calling me a stream of names. Ugly. Bland. Dull. I mean, they're all true, but still. I wouldn't even speak to them! I pretended to be mute! That was from my Mate! My other fucking half! Ugh! Oh, and the Star Blood pack to be correct." I practically scream. I have a lot of pent up anger.

"Okay...Calm down. What's your name?" The Alpha asks.

"Jessica Mitchell..." I sigh. An awkward silence engulfs us.

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