Ch2 - Extra... Powers?

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So here I am, on a giant floating rock (Colton, you better get me down.), holding 2 fully grown men in a water lock.

"Alexis, drop us now!" Blake screams. Damn, should have put his head underwater.

"Answer all of my questions and I promise to let you go." I wager with them. He hesitantly nods as I eagerly start.

"Do you have another power?"


"Then why do I have like 2 powers?"

"I don't know"

"Well you suck. Which powers do I have?"

And this is when I stopped. I went into a trance again. I walked over to the edge of the rock and before I knew what I was doing, I jumped. Screaming and thrashing around, I didn't realize that I had made a vine staircase going down. I smiled and turned around to look at Blake. He was gaping at me. I flipped the bird at him and continued skipping down.








"Dying." I groan.

"Newsflash sweetheart. You have super powers." Blake growls from the bubble that is floating behind me. I turn and give him a thumbs up.

"Which one?" I ask, stopping and sitting on a floating rock.

A floating rock.

"Right, Mr. Rock. Would you be ever so kind to give me a lift down the stairs?" I ask the rock, probably looking retarded.

"A, you do realize rocks ca- " Colton stopped once the rock began to drift down the steps.

"You were saying?" I smirk at him. After a couple of minutes, the two boys were involved in a heavy conversation.

"You don't think she could be the girl of the prophecy?"

"She could of had a witch give her temporary powers..."

"She only found out today."

"What about her parents?"

"What about them?"

"She could be a hybrid"

"Think about it, her parents are both Fire. Where did the Earth and Water come from?"

"True. Is she adopted?"

"No, I checked her files. She was born from Layla and Peter Terroz."

"What about relatives?"

"All Fire."

I'm so confused. Why is this happening? Who's the girl from the prophecy? Is it actually me? I need answers. But before I could get any we had reached the ground. I stepped off the rock and was put immediately back in the trance.

I could still talk and breath and run, but it all is going in the direction that I'm apparently heading. Except there was one tiny problem. The school was kind of on fire.

"Do any of you have a phone or something?" I ask at the sides of their faces, their stares locked on the spreading fire.

"How the fuck did we not notice this?" Blake says before groaning. "Master's going to kill me. Shit. This was my fault. I'm going to get blamed, then lose my job, then turn into an Elemental Rogue, and get killed, and-"

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