Ch3 - Oops. I blew up the car

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"Agh, stop it Co..."


"I'm tryna sleep."


"WATER LOCK." I scream, fed up with their poking.

"Allllleeexxxxxx. Why do you do this to me?" Colton moans from the top of the bubble.

"Where's Blake?" I question and receive a shrug in response.

"Turn around." I say and twirl my finger, the water lock copying so Colton was now looking at the wall. My energy must of restored overnight, so I start imagining a tight green crop top made out of sewn leaves and I'm just reusing my shorts from last night. I open my eyes to see my current shirt being ripped off and replaced with a crop top, one just like my imagination.

"Awesome." I mumble and twirl Colton back around.

"Cauliflower... How do you think I'm supposed to find Air?"

"Jump off a cliff? IDK."

"Okay 1) I'm not jumping off a cliff 2) You do not use texting short cuts in real life. That's weird." I vocalize.

"I'm sorry Alexis." An unfamiliar voice says and those were the last words I heard for the next 12 hours.


"You awake?" Blake asks me, taking a moment to glance my way in the moon light.

"No." I groan stretching my hands out. "Blake, where the flying ducks are we?"

"We are going to your new home for the next few years."

"Oo! Are we going to Europe? I would love to go to Europe!" I exclaim in happiness.

"No." He grits, taking another sip of coffee.

"Then where are we going?" I try.

He ignores me.

"Are you gonna talk or..."

"Shut your trap Torrez." He murmurs.

"Bu-" I start.

"Did you not hear me? Shut your fucking mouth Alexis" He screams at me.

I look out the window and bring my knees up to me.

Let's see if we can control Air now, why don't we?

'When I open the door I want you to fly me up 10 yards if that's okay?'

The tingling occurred in my fingers and I knew it was time.

I whip open the door and jump.

Instead of face planting on the floor, I fly upwards, hovering in the distance of 10 yards.

"Bitch!" I scream, until I notice something. The car isn't stopping. Its glowing.

It slowed down and was now just rolling.

I hover in closer and see Blake on fire. He's blowing up the car.

"Blake. Stop, don't blow up the car." I yell over the noise of flames. His gaze flickers over to me before continuing to blow it up. I notice something, the windows have broken. I fly through the window and grab him before flying out the other side.

"Let me go Alexis." He growls before doing something I never would of expected.

He punched me.

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