The orb and strange apartment

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              So I was laying on my bed watching TV and in the corner of my eye I see this medium white glowing orb just in the door floating and lightly moved and I looked where it was and in a flash it was gone. My Nana aka grandma also experienced orbs we don't live there, strange things happened there. If it was just me then I would've thought that it was my imagination, but if two or more people experience it then I know that it's real.
       On a Friday I was sitting and eating my food and I was alone it was like at 9:00 and this happen in the corner of my eye ( again ) there was these face of a old man, I couldn't see his face when I looked at him he just disappear out of air like he was never there.
      At my dad's apartment it's only me and my nana who have only seen these orbs, until one time my dad asked where's buttercup ( my dog ) is and then said wait never mind she is right here, and then comes into the room and my dog was next to me so I was very confused as she is right here next to me not where he was in the living room, he came and realized that wasn't my dog my dad went back to check. Nothing was there. Things like this happen in our apartment my tata (grandpa) told us that he would see the door close, my nana would see orbs, we decided to try and record on my fathers phone, not practical but what can you do we are all silent my father asked questions and we waited for a while we end the session and listen only me and my dad could hear as my nana and tata couldn't hear, there was my dads voice and very faint I heard a girls giggle of course I made noises because I thought what we were doing was silly but the thing is I didn't giggle I tried to whisper and talk, not only that there was a mans deep voice hard to make out, if my dad was talking he was talking very loud and his voice isn't that deep, my tata can't really talk, so who was that voice talking, that little girl that wasn't me because I was about 13 my voice wasn't like a little girl (high pitched) we left those apartments.

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